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MCCC New Worship Option & 10:30am Fellowship Time Change

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MCCC Family,
We are so excited to share worship with you this weekend.  This week the theme is Love in Action and we have some wonderful passages and stories to reflect on.  I am also thrilled to tell you about our special music.  Jon Secaur and Adam Petrosino organized the MCCC Choir to sing and record their voices in homes and then Jon put the voices altogether for an anthem.  AND!  We will receive communion music from Joy Wyatt (thank you Joy!).  Katie Baird will offer the communion meditation and Beth Voynovich’s stone art will be shown during the Words of Institution.  We are so blessed by all the contributions to worship this week.
Remember you can always go to the our website for links to services and podcasts.
The direct link to the YouTube Service this week is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW-_BTFqDd4
ADDITIONAL WORSHIP OPTION — Watch Party and Fellowship! 
As an experiment this week worship team and I wanted to try something.  I am going to open up our ZOOM room early for worship at 9:20 for fellowship.  I will then bring up the YouTube service, share my screen, and we can watch the service together.  I plan on using the “chat box” to chat or comment through the service.  We’ll keep mics muted, but we hope it will feel good to participate in worship “together.”  We’ll see if the technology cooperates!  This is just an option for you….feel free to watch the YouTube service as per usual if preferred.
Upon the completion of the service, we will stay in the Zoom Room to hang out and begin our REGULAR Zoom Room fellowship time at 10:30am. Remember that you can join the Watch Party/Fellowship at ANY TIME.
Join MCCC Watch Party (password: 1111): 
Let us know if you have any questions.  God’s blessings be with you for safety, health, and joy!
In Christ,
Pastor Chad
Pastor Sarah


Date: May 24, 2020
9:20 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:,



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