Devotion from Pastor Chad – Nov 4, 2021

Over the last few weeks I’ve been getting out on the trail for walks and it has been beautiful. I’ve taken some time to observe the sights on the trail floors that I’ve trod on. I’ve been struck by the beauty of the mix of mud and fallen leaves. Please see my pictures below.
The mud is mud–hard to find beauty in it, but I suppose you could if you tried. However, the fallen leaves are easy to find beauty in. The reds, oranges, yellows, and mixtures are stunning this time of year. I found it powerful to see the muddy mess and the beauty of the leaves next to each other on the forest floor. In whatever messes of grief and trial and difficulty we face…there are brilliant colors there to be seen.
This week we are observing All Saints Day. Together, we will acknowledge the grief of many different losses and we will give tribute to and celebrate the people in our lives who have shared with us the Good News of Jesus Christ. In the mud and messiness of life, there are always gifts of love, grace, and hope that God gives us.
If you are at home worshipping this weekend you may want to have a candle handy to light in memory of a loved on. In church, I will light some candles on our behalf to acknowledge different kinds of losses and to remember Christ is there in the midst of us now and always.
I look forward to being with you in worship this Sunday!
Peace in Christ,