This Month at MCCC – March 19-31, 2020

Dear Church Family,
I couldn’t really put out a “Weekly” calendar since the church is closed . . . so I changed it to “This MONTH at MCCC” and it updates you through the end of the month and beyond. Please take a look at the upcoming date changes and cancellations on the attachment below. I have also included a couple announcements to keep you in the loop.
Because of the ongoing virus situation which has resulted in the temporary closing of Mantua Center Church, ALL activities have been cancelled through the end of March. The only exception is Kids Weekend Meals so families can still receive extra food on the weekends. (Many thanks to Liz for coming up with a plan to get this much needed food safely to all in need – and to the volunteers helping!) We don’t know what the future holds or if we will be closed past March, but in the meantime, I hope you will take a moment on the next two Sundays and participate (from the comfort of your home) in our wonderful YouTube Worship Services that Chad and Sarah have planned for us. What a wonderful way to bring our church community together in worship! Our daily MCCC “business” still continues via the use of technology that allows us to have “Zoom” meetings through the internet or phone – and of course we utilize lots of emailing. This has been a time of many changes and much learning for many of us, but it feels good to work together as a team for the benefit of all!
As we practice our “social distancing” from others during this time, remember you can still give a call or send a card to others – just to check up on them and let them know they are in your thoughts. Sometimes just hearing another voice or receiving a card can bring comfort and a sense of joy. It reminds us all that even though we are physically isolated – we are not really alone!
If you need any addresses or phone numbers, please email me at [email protected].
Wishing you a blessed day, week, month & more,