April 19th Worship Service and Zoom Invite

Church Family,
Greetings in the Name of the Risen Christ! My love and prayers are with you as we prepare for another weekend of lifting our praise to God, but also another weekend of being apart. Nevertheless, we will continue being the church together!
We are blessed this weekend to hear from lots of folks in the congregation about how to express kindness during this time. Thank you so much to Pam Auble who recruited our Kindness contributions! Adam provides wonderful hymns and we have a special treat to hear from Beth & Ellie Schabel…y’all will love it!
Blessings of rest and appreciation for Sarah who took this week off. Keep her in your prayers as she teaches and goes to seminary! My thanks to C.J. who helped teach me how to edit and publish our video for this week.
Remember, that the best place to get all the latest is on our new website (www.mantuacentercc.org). There you can get service info, podcast, and give online. We are so thankful for all the financial, verbal, and moral support we are getting during these strange times! Thank you!
The direct link to the service this week to be available Sunday at 9:30 is: https://youtu.be/6bmGbHVULXE
The podcast will be available then as well.
The Zoom Link for Sunday Coffee Hour at 11:00am is:
Sunday Chat – 11:00am
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US
2. Enter Meeting ID: 633 945 472 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #”.
Just press #Video Link: https://zoom.us/j/633945472
Password: 1111
Please remember that my Zoom Room is always open to you if you would like to “get together” to chat or in need of some conversation. I’d also be glad to get together with small groups if desired. Please don’t be afraid to reach out…all of us need support during this time.
God’s peace and healing presence be with you!
In Christ,