MCCC Update & Zooms – 4/13/2020

Greetings MCCC Family,
God’s peace and Easter Joy be with you all! I trust that everyone is praying for our church, community, and world in these difficult hours and days. Yet, still we are celebrating the Risen Christ and looking for God to show up in places we least suspect!
For your amusement and encouragement I have attached a writing called “How the Virus Stole Easter” passed along to me from Carol Magyarics. It has a great message! Enjoy!
Worship: Remember that every week our worship services are available on our website and YouTube channel. If you missed a service…no problem…all the services are still there. You can also download and listen to the podcasts as well. Attached to this email is the document version of the service. Please feel free to download, print, and mail to someone you know who doesn’t have technological means.
Life Study on Wednesday Afternoon, and MCCC Kid’s Call (see sign-in info below) – NEW PASSWORD IS: 1111
God’s hope, peace, and love abide with you and your families during this time!
In Christ, Chad & Sarah
Tuesday Evening at 6:30
Life Study from 6:30-7:30pm will begin anew this week Tuesday in the online format. Via Zoom I have the capacity to share video with you and so together we will watch a TEDTalk just created with the Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. The title of the talk is “How we can navigate the coronavirus pandemic with courage and hope.” Please join us for the encouragement and conversation.
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 464 703 266 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #Video Link:
Password: 1111
Wednesday Afternoon at 2:00pm
Wednesday Afternoon at 2:00pm. The Wednesday call is for the purpose of having space to share some of our worries, frustrations, and concerns. Join us to receive or help offer listening ears and encouragement.
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 991 949 556(press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #Video Link:
Password: 1111
MCCC Kids Story Time & Check-in – Thursday Evenings, 7:00pm
MCCC Kid’s Call on Thurs at 7:00pm. This call is for the kids to do a fun activity and then hear a story. Feel free to invite friends and family to join us.
Needed a # because of call-in troubles.
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 737 154 588 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #Video Link:
Password: 1111