May 12 MCCC Zoom Worship, Thoughts, Coaching & Zoom
MCCC Church Family,
I just want to thank everyone for all the love and support that Sarah, Adam, and I have been receiving regarding the worship services. We are so very blessed to know that the services have been meaningfully worshipful, challenging, and uplifting. Of course, we do hope to be together again (at some point!) but for now we are blessed to serve in this way and to receive all the help and contributions from the congregation. Your support means a lot!
Joint Xplor Send-Off on Zoom
Sunday, May 17th 11:00am
This week we will take a short break from our regular YouTube worship service and join together with our sister congregations for a Joint Xplor Send-Off Service on Zoom at 11:00am next Sunday. We really hope to PACK the Zoom room with folks from our congregations to give a loving send-off to Heidi, Natalie, and Jennifer. Zoom can accommodate up to 100 people so we should be good! š This has been a strange ending to their experience, but we want to send them off with our prayers and support. We will try to record the worship service and get it out on YouTube later in the afternoon, but we hope everyone can join us live by phone or video! I will send the Zoom link out to the service later in the week.
Celebrating Coaching Credential!
Several years ago, our congregation supported my desire for some continuing education by paying for my professional coaching training. Many of you have helped give me coaching hours toward my credential and have supported me greatly during this journey. I am very pleased to report to you that I recently graduated from the Coaching4Clergy Program, took the final ICF exam, and have received my Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential! Thank you so much for all your support.
Thoughts on Grief
A couple Saturdays ago I was part of a grief workshop called “A Nation in Mourning” with Rev. Dr. Claire Bamberg. This was a powerful session where I became more aware of my own grief, but also recognizing grief manifesting itself in many different ways around the country. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross offers the different “stages” of grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, and Meaning-Making), but we must remember they aren’t linear. You could be in any of the “stages” in a given day or week. We bounce around between them. If you listen and look closely to yourself and the world around you, you’ll recognize the stages. “This virus isn’t even real.” “How could China do this to us?” “I don’t have any symptoms, I should be fine to go see my grandparents.” “This virus is sucking the life out of me.” “We have to do what we have to do.” “What kind of new world do we want to create together?”
The question for all of us is whether we will acknowledge some of the grief within us and find ways to work through it. We also do well to carry with us some extra compassion for others and ourselves during this time because everyone we see is going through something we can’t see. Please talk to someone you trust to work through these feelings and know that you’re church family is here to support you!
Zoom Opportunities
This week, we will have several opportunities to gather over Zoom call!
Life Study, Wednesday Prayer, and MCCC Kid’s Call (see sign-in info below NEW PASSWORD IS: 1111). If you would like to gather for prayer or conversation (individually or small group), please be in touch with me.
Tuesday (tonight!) Life Study from 6:30-7:30pm
Tonight will be our last night with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks – “How we can navigate the coronavirus pandemic with courage and hope.” All are welcome even if you missed the first sessions.
Wednesday Prayer – Afternoon at 2:00pm.
We will gather for a time of sharing and prayer. Let’s gather to support each other.
MCCC Kid’s Call on Thurs at 7:00pm.
We will have another Scavenger Hunt and hear a story. Feel free to invite friends and family to join us.
Grace and Peace be with you!
Pastor Chad
Tuesday Evening at 6:30pm
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 464 703 266 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link:
Password: 1111
Wednesday Prayer at 2:00pm
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 991 949 556(press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link:
Password: 1111
Thursday Evenings, 7:00pm – MCCC Kids Story Time & Check-In
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 737 154 588 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link:
Password: 1111