MCCC Worship for May 3rd and Zoom Fellowship

Church Family,
Greetings in the Name of the Risen Christ!
Tomorrow we will be exploring a wonderful scripture with some folks from our congregation. The scripture is 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 in which the Apostle Paul mentions his gratitude for all those who give their “labor of love” in the name of the Risen Christ. There are so many people we have to thank during this time for their “labor of love” but we have the unique opportunity hear the thoughts of several of the nurses in our congregation. As part of the sermon time we will hear from Jennifer Penman (Joiner), Beth Voynovich, and Christina Brant. Each of them offer their perspective on the topic and share with us some of the ways they’ve seen labors of love in their work. It is truly inspiring what they have to say!
We also have the great pleasure of hearing from Bob Stehli and Pam Auble for special music! We are blessed!
As always… the best place to get all the latest is on our website ( There you can get service info, podcast, and give online. Thank you so much for your continued participation and support…it means the world to us knowing that we are still holding together as a community! God is good!
The direct link to the service this week to be available tomorrow at 9:30 is:
(remember, you can view at any time! even view previous weeks—they will be on our YouTube channel. Just search for Mantua Center Christian Church)
The podcast will be available then as well on the website or
The Zoom Link for Sunday Coffee Hour at 11:00am is:
Sunday Chat – 11:00am
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US
2. Enter Meeting ID: 633 945 472 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #”. Just press #
Video Link:
Password: 1111
Please remember that my Zoom Room is always open to you if you would like to “get together” to chat or in need of some conversation. Please don’t be afraid to reach out…all of us need support during this time.
God’s peace and healing presence be with you!
In Christ,
Pastor Chad & Pastor Sarah