MCCC Drive-In Worship Information and Bulletin for October 4, 2020
Hello Church Family,
We will have our second Drive-In Worship Service this Sunday, 10/4/2020 at 9:30am at Derthick’s Farm (5182 SR-82, Mantua, OH 44255). This Sunday is WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY and people all over the world will celebrate communion together. Please remember to bring your own communion with you so we can celebrate this special occasion.
Please print out or have available the bulletin below when you come. If you can’t, we will be handing out bulletins.
The weather forecast looks shaky but rain is supposed to hold off until the afternoon. Please keep an eye on your email through Saturday and into Sunday morning.
Because we are having the drive-in worship there will be NO Zoom watch party on Sunday. The regular YouTube video will be released to view as you are able. Even if you come to the drive-in service, please watch the YouTube video as it will be a different service!
Slight CHANGE to our ground rules this time around!
- Rule: If desired, folks can sit outside their car with chair, mask, physical distancing (please no gathering…just waiving and sign language).
- Communion is “bring your own.” Please participate as you feel led.
- Honk or Blink your lights if you are moved by the Spirit 🙂
We are blessed with the generosity of the Derthick’s and also Dean (the DJ) they have arranged. If you have a “love offering” to give to the DJ in particular or to the Derthick’s that would be greatly appreciated! (They have not asked for this at all, but I believe it would be a kind gesture). You can give online, send a check to the church, or hand me your donation.
Looking forward to you and THANKS again to the Derthick’s and Dean for hosting!