Nov 15 – MCCC Worship at the Windows, YouTube Live, Veteran’s Day, Blessing Bag/Hotdogs! Reminder

Church Family,
MCCC Worship at the Windows
This Sunday, Nov 15th at 9:30am we begin our Worship at the Windows adventure! Below is the bulletin and information you will need to participate.
Here are some instructions and important information:
- PLEASE ENTER the parking lot by the south-most entrance by the ballfields and township garages. This will allow us to park people in rows looking up toward the south side of the building. Look for the greeters and parking attendants!
- We want you to know that you will be “parked in” for the duration of the service (around 30-40 min) BUT if you should have need to exit due to an emergency, we have provided the number of Dave Auble to call and we will be able to get you out in a timely manner. If you don’t want to be “parked in” please tell the greeters when you arrive and they will direct you.
- Communion will be “bring your own” and you can give an offering online or in the basket on your way out.
- To listen to the service you will need to tune your radio dial to 105.5 FM and will likely have to turn up the sound more than usual. Adjust accordingly!
- The service will be simulcast on YouTube Live! If you are not coming to the Drive-in you can watch the service live on our YouTube Channel (
- If you should choose to leave your car, wear a mask and maintain physical distancing (6+ feet). We do not want to have any part in spreading this virus!
- Many people have worked VERY HARD to make this happen and we are blessed to be able to offer this worship opportunity to the congregation. Thank you for your support, participation, and patience ahead of time!
Yesterday was Veterans Day and I wanted to take a moment to recognize and give thanks for all the veterans in our church family. Many men and women who have taken part of our church community have given a part of themselves too in service to our country. Thank you for your service and may God be with all those who serve our nation at home and abroad.
Just a reminder that this Saturday from 11-1 is our Drive-Thru Blessing Bag and Mitten Tree Drop-Off mission at MCCC. Drop off the blessings and receive a hot dog for lunch! 🙂 Below is all the details and who you can contact with questions. This is a wonderful way to support great needs in our community! We will continue to collect items for this mission for the coming weeks. Thank you for your generosity!
Peace in Christ,
Every bagged donation will receive a FREE Hot Dog, Chips & a Treat
Due to the on-going pandemic, we have decided to combine two of our MCCC missions this year into one drive-thru drop-off station!
We hope you will help us out with your donations this year while receiving a free quick lunch as our “Thank You”! (Most items can be purchased for about $1.00 each at Dollar Tree or Walmart). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sandi Kossick at [email protected] or (330) 607-7003. Though our church building is not currently in use for services, our church mission of helping others is VERY ACTIVE!! (Directions for the drop-off procedure on the 14th will be posted closer to the time of the event).
Thank you for your continued support,
Sandi Kossick,
Dottie Summerlin,
Becky Tipton
Blessing Bags
The completed Blessing Bag items should be travel size and placed in a gallon size zip bag. Because of the pandemic, we will NOT have extras, so you will need to purchase everything on the list below. Feel free to partner with friends! You may also write a check made out to MCCC with “Blessing Bags” noted on the memo line. The bags/money will then be donated to Family & Community Service for distribution to those in need. Listed below are the items needed for the Blessing Bags:
1. Toothpaste
2. Toothbrush (Individually store packaged)
3. Soap
4. Shampoo & Conditioner
5. Hand Sanitizer
6. Lotion
7. Hand towels and/or washcloths
8. Kleenex tissues – purse size packages
9. Deodorant
10. Shaving Cream
11. Shaving utensils
Mitten Tree
The Mitten Tree items needed are mittens and/or gloves, hats and scarves These are for all ages with tags still attached – unless home made, and should be placed in zip lock bags. This year, the 4-C’s have decided to give gift cards to the families they help, so the 2020 Mitten Tree donations will be given to Kids’ Weekend Meals to help the 109 kids currently being served. You also have the option of donating by writing a check to MCCC with “Mitten Tree” written on the memo line.
Face Masks
Both missions are also asking for your help with collecting new reusable face masks. These masks MUST be reusable/washable and at least 2 layers thick. They can be home made or purchased already made. The Blessing Bag mission will need about 50 adult masks. Kids’ Weekend Meals will need a total of 109 masks in both child and adult sizes. If you sew or know someone who might like to help to donate these necessary items at this critical time, please bring your donations on the 14th to the MCCC Drive-Thru! If that is not possible, we will arrange to pick up items donated ahead of time. If you know ahead of time how many masks and what sizes you will be donating, please call or email Sandi at the information noted below so we can keep a better record of what we will need for both missions.