Dec 17 – MCCC Worship ONLINE, Survey, Get Centered, Blue Christmas, Sarah

Church Family,
I’m excited to be with you in worship this Sunday!
**REMEMBER we are all ONLINE! When the link becomes available I will be sending it in a separate email. Keep on the lookout!
This Sunday is the 4th Sunday in the season of Advent — the Sunday of Love.
We will look at a wonderful passage from Micah and reflect on the gifts of love God gives us during difficult times. Together, though weary, we rejoice in the gift of God’s strength and power, mercy and love! We also will hear about God’s love through the story of our Savior’s birth shown through the eyes of our kids. Thanks so much to Ally Hurd and Sandi Kossick for organizing our kids and helping get everything together!
Be sure to check out the children’s art work!
If you would like to have your child(ren)’s picture added, email it to [email protected].
Zoom Worship and Fellowship Hour this Sunday
If you are so inclined, you can watch the service with us at 9:30am Sunday morning by joining our Zoom Worship Party. You can use this same link to join us anytime that morning to watch the service or for the fellowship hour. The fellowship time will likely start around 10:15ish. Just click below and use the password or call in:
Sunday Worship & Fellowship – Zoom Meeting Info
Meeting ID: 388 701 1421
Passcode: 1111
Call in: 1(929)205-6099
Worship Survey
Thank you to everyone (so far) who has filled out our worship survey! This information will be very valuable to the pastors and worship team as we make decisions for early 2021. If you haven’t filled it out yet, please go to this link: Worship Survey
Get Centered
This week’s Get Centered video devotional released yesterday morning. You can find it at this link:
Blue Christmas
The Blue Christmas (or Longest Night) service will also be a YouTube service. Thanks to Linda Idoine and Liz Meeker for their contributions to the service. In other years, you may not have attended the service, but I want to encourage everyone to watch this service to make some space for grief. We will send out the link to you when the service is ready.
Celebrating Pastor Sarah
Most of you know this already, but without all the creativity and tech know-how from Sarah I don’t know where we’d be! As a teacher, seminary student, and student pastor she has gone above and beyond and I know I speak for all of us in saying THANK YOU to her!
As you prepare to celebrate the holidays please be careful and heed the advice of our local health officials. They are pleading with people to alter their plans and to be extra careful during this season. The vaccines are right around the corner and if we can continue to follow the guidelines hopefully we will return to some semblance of “normalcy” in 2021. Know that I’m praying for you and here to support you as best I can!
Peace in Christ,