Dec 6 – MCCC Worship Info for Advent 2
MCCC Advent 2020: A Weary World Rejoices
Our theme for Advent this year is “A Weary World Rejoices” and this is the 2nd Sunday. The schedule and the Advent Calendar can be downloaded below.
Greetings MCCC,
This Sunday at 9:30am we will welcome you “at the windows” and on YouTube Live for worship. We will be celebrating the second Sunday in Advent–Peace Sunday–by looking at Isaiah 11:1-10. I am praying for all of you as we take this Advent journey together.
To find the YouTube Live service every Sunday, go to our MCCC YouTube page:
Below the bulletin for Sunday which contains the lyrics to the hymns and some wonderful cover art by Brian and Gavin Tipton! Please check it out and print it out for Sunday although we will have bulletins there if you need them.
As some of you know Portage County went “Purple” on the health advisory system for covid-19 spread–the highest and most dangerous level. We want to urge everyone to continue taking the necessary precautions (masking, 6+ feet, hand-washing/sanitizing). Health officials are urging everyone to limit their physical interactions as much as possible and to look out for the well-being of others. As a result, I will be leading worship solo in the building on Sunday and receive assistance from Sarah and other contributors virtually. We will still have bulletins, parkers, and offering Sunday but ask that we keep it as “contact-less” as possible (as has been our habit regardless!). Thank you for your patience, understanding, and cooperation as we try to do our part to help keep everyone safe. God bless you and give you peace in this blessed season!
Peace in Christ,