March 28 – Holy Week Schedule, Living the Resurrection Questions, Palms to Passion

This week begins Holy Week and our walk to the cross and tomb with Jesus. Though we have faith and hope in how the week will end, it is good to experience each part in this sacred time of year. Along the way we have heard lessons about Compassion, Repentance, Reach, Equity, and Transformation, and in each story of Christ, there are even more words to hear and lessons to be learned. As we go through Holy Week, what words will you hear? What lessons will you take with you so that you can Live the Resurrection every day?
Living the Resurrection – Questions
As you think about these questions, please start to think about practical ways we can live the Resurrection as individuals and as a community. After Easter, the worship team will be inviting you to brainstorm specific and practical ways we can do this and then we will share that list with the congregation in a creative way. What are specific ideas do you have to live out our faith in the likeness of Christ? Our collective sharing will hopefully connect people with new ways to Live the Resurrection.
Palms to Passion – Worship at the Windows and YouTube Live at 9:30am.
Palms to Passion service is this Sunday and we will have so many blessings you won’t want to miss. We have special music from multiple people and all our readings are being done by wonderful young adults who grew up in our church.
There are two ways to join us Sunday. Come to the Windows at the church and tune your radio dial to 105.5fm. We will have pre-filled communion cups ready for you so we can share in communion together. If you would prefer to worship with us online, you can go to this link
Please see the Holy Week schedule below to have the dates/times/links for the services. If you know someone who doesn’t have access to the internet, please pass them on this info so they, too, can participate. We need your help in getting the word out the best we can.
May you be richly and deeply blessed as you walk with Jesus to Resurrection Sunday.
In Christ,