April 25 – MCCC Outdoor Worship Info, Gathering Team

I hope you have taken in all 4 seasons this week in Northeast Ohio! What a week for sunshine, rain, and snow. I will say, however, that the snow on the trees has been beautiful and will help me appreciate the warm days coming that much more. Be blessed and keep your eyes open for all the gifts God is giving us!
This week in worship we will be recognizing Earth Day! Hopefully, you are filled with gratitude every day with all of God’s handiwork and especially this week to take a moment to really reflect on the gift of Creation and our call to be good stewards of it. I also wanted to tell you that this Sunday a ministry of the Christian Church in Ohio called Advance Conference will be joining us. Advance is a ministry for 19-29 year olds in Ohio and this weekend is their Spring Retreat. I will be leading a bible study for them on Saturday and they asked to join us in worship for Sunday. Lauren Painley is one of their officers! Keep them in your prayers and if you come on Zoom you may have a chance to meet some of them if they decide to join us.
MCCC Worship Info this Sunday
When the link becomes available for YouTube I will send it out to everyone. To join us for the Zoom worship and fellowship, join us at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3887011421?pwd=THN5TFhyR2ZrNWxXM2RudGtka05Ldz09
Meeting ID: 388 701 1421
Passcode: 1111
MCCC Outdoor Worship Starting May 2nd at 9:30am
SPREAD the word!
As many of you have heard, we will be joining together for Outdoor Worship at the MCCC church building starting on May 2nd at 9:30am. This will be a very special service in many ways, not least of which is baptizing Milo Russo! Although we all want to meet in the building this is one more step in that direction and it will be wonderful to be together. Folks will be invited to come up and sit on the lawn, stay in their cars with the FM transmitter (105.5fm), or to watch the live stream at home. This is a great challenge to do so we appreciate your prayers and understanding as we figure this out!
If you are sitting out on the lawn…
- Bring your own chair
- Wear a mask and stay physically distant (6ft) from those outside your “pod”
- We will provide Communion cups/bread, but feel free to bring your own if desired
- We will be singing together!
- There will be a Children’s Moment, but children are being asked to stay with their family for now
Thank you all for your support and patience as we figure this out!
MCCC Gathering Team
Please know that the Gathering Team will be meeting again soon to discuss the parameters for our gathering together as a congregation. Our county numbers are still in RED and high incidence but we are hoping to see improvement on that in the months ahead. The Gathering Team will be putting together a plan for how our re-entry into the building might take place and what it might look like. Again, thank you for your patience and support.
Meeting with Pastor Chad
Soon I will be FULLY vaccinated and would be glad to start doing some short visits in the month of May. If you or folks in the congregation you know could use a visit to re-connect, please reach out to me. I’m looking forward to having some more face-to-face time in the near future. Otherwise, of course, I’m still willing to meet with people via Zoom or walk-and-talks on the trail.