A Devotion from Pastor Chad – 10/28/21
Last week during our “MCCC: Our Story” class with Nancy Humes, we had a wonderful discussion about the different ways communion has been practiced in the history of the church. Many of us have been a part of denominations that have different traditions around the Lord’s Table. Some of us have visited other congregations and experienced very different way of participating. Some of us have even been refused communion for any variety of reasons.
Our early Disciples of Christ founders — like Alexander Campbell — were determined to break down some of the barriers created around communion. In their time existed a practice of only allowing those who had received a token to partake in the Lord’s Supper. This token was granted by one of the elders of the church after they had “examined” you and your beliefs. Imagine that! What if you had to get grilled with questions by Katie Baird and Liz Meeker (our Elder co-chairs) every week about your beliefs? Ok…that’s a bad example…those two are wonderful, open, and lovely people! But you get the idea. Folks in the early 1800s had to get examined by their elders and if they passed they would be given a token to take to church that Sunday. Only those with the token could take communion. Aren’t you glad we have an Open Table?
Every week we gather around the Lord’s Table (whether in our homes or in the sanctuary) to receive the bread and cup as symbols of the life-giving, transformational power of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. At the Table we receive God’s grace, forgiveness, and love so that we can then live and love as Jesus calls us. Remember…ALL are welcome! What a gift it is to be part of a church with an Open Table!
Blessings to Nancy Humes and all the wonderful things she is teaching and sharing with us in our church study! Blessings to each and every one of you as you seek to live faithfully this week in your home, work, and life.
I am looking forward to being with you in worship this Sunday!
Peace, Chad