November Mitten Tree Collection

With the onset of cooler weather, it’s that time of the year for MCCC to ramp up our collecting of Mittens, Hats,
Headbands, and Scarves for the families in our community and beyond!
The sizes needed are for infants, toddlers, teens and adults.
The Mitten Tree will run through the last Sunday in November (Nov. 28th) and we are SO EXCITED to have it back inside the church this year!
This year the 4C’s, for safety reasons and to simplify, have decided to turn over the Mitten Tree Donations to Kids Weekend Meals for distribution in December. We have so many more families in need this year that we are hoping for a “better than ever” collection of items!
Please start keeping your eyes open for sales while shopping and help us out if you are able – handmade items are always welcome! We are planning to hang the items on the lines in the sanctuary so we can watch the progress grow. If you have any questions, please contact Sandi Kossick at: [email protected] or call/text 330-607-7003.
Bring your donations to the inside entryway of the church (there will be a labeled bin) or place items in the Mitten Tree bin outside the lower level. Sandi is also available to pick-up donations if needed.