Weekly Events for MCCC & Community – Nov. 8th – 14th

Time for the Weekly Calendar of Events at MCCC & Community from 11/8-11/14. . . and beyond! We have a few deadlines coming up VERY soon so please take a moment to read the announcements in the calendar so you don’t miss any of them! As you may have noticed if you attended “in-house” worship yesterday, the Mitten Tree is up in full swing and we are praying for a “better than ever” donation month for all the many extra families in our community who are in need of help.The deadline for collecting is November 28th.
We also have extended the deadline to order Advent Devotionals to Monday, November 15th – so please contact me SOON so we have one prepared for you.
Pledge cards have been mailed out so please take some time to pray about how you will be able to help financially this year. Giving Sunday is THIS November 14th, so don’t forget to bring your cards to place in the offering tray!
Additionally, the Worship Team is asking for you to provide an item that brings you joy, light, laughter or a smile! They would like to collect these items THIS Sunday, November 14th for the worship service on the 21st. (You may take your items back home following the service on the 21st.) So, give it some thought and bring your “joyful item” to Pam Auble on Sunday so it may be included on the 21st worship service. If you need something picked up, Pam Auble is available. Call/Text her at: (330) 285-6754.
Keep in mind that Saturday, December 4th, OWM will be hosting the 4th Annual Craft Bazaar at the old Mantua Center School. We will need some volunteers to help provide food to sell, to help serve/clean-up, and set-up and take-down of tables. We will be letting you know soon what items are specifically needed. This is the only OWM fundraiser that has been able to take place since the beginning of Covid – so I hope you will all plan to attend and show your support if able! It is sure to be a great time with a variety of crafts for sale!
Please see the order form below with details from Burton Floral for ordering Poinsettias. The deadline is Sunday, December 5th.
Now for a few thoughts . . . Last Sunday was All Saints Day, and it was a wonderful service dedicated to all the “Saints” who have come before us. It is a solemn service that can, for some, bring tears of remembrance and longing. For me, it always does. When Ally spoke to the kids of the church (both young kids and adult kids!) she mentioned that we are all standing on the shoulders of the saints before us . . . and that just as generations before us . . . WE will someday be the saintly shoulders that generations after us will be standing upon. Now . . let that last sentence sink in! If we are to be the examples that future generations will look up to, then let us all try to live every day by the example that Jesus has set before us. Remember too, that there are “saints” in our everyday lives who inspire kindness, love, nurturing, giving, and a sense of comfort to those in need. These are also saints upon whose shoulders we can stand and they are all around us! Here’s an example: After church on Sunday some members of the Crestwood Boosters, both parents and kids, congregated at our house in hopes of cleaning up what seemed like BILLIONS of leaves in our yard and woods. They came with riding blowers (an amazing piece of equipment, by the way!), backpack blowers, hand held blowers, and tons of kids with rakes in hand. Within 1 hour the job that seemed daunting was DONE! These people – ALL OF THEM – were OUR saints that day! I was overwhelmed with their kindness and generosity and could not thank them enough. Maybe we can’t all physically go out and clean up someone’s yard, but we can spread kindness, love, nurturing, giving and comfort to all we meet . . . in hopes that we will all become the saintly shoulders that future generations will be proud to stand upon!
Blessings to you ALL!