MCCC Weekly Events – 2/21/22

Below the Weekly Calendar of Events. Please note that we have several things coming up this week: At the top of my list is to remind everyone that Pastor Chad has sent out a survey to see where the “pulse” of the congregation is, especially since the Covid numbers in our area are decreasing rapidly.
This survey is VERY IMPORTANT and will tell Chad and the Gathering Team exactly where your comfort level is with the decreasing numbers in our county. Please answer the questions as openly and honestly as possible! This is NOT a time to stay silent and think your comments won’t make a difference. Everyone’s thoughts and opinions MATTER and we WANT to hear from ALL of you!
The Gathering Team will be meeting this Thursday at 7pm via Zoom, so the more information acquired before that date will help set the tone for any future changes. If you missed the original email, I have included the survey link for your convenience. Please take just a few minutes of your time to help decide how MCCC should/could proceed going forward. CLICK for survey here: MCCC Survey – Feb 2022.
Other events going on this week are:
- Loaves & Fishes Free Dinner is this Thursday, Feb. 24th, from 5-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us for dinner!
- “4th for the 4C’s” is this Sunday, Feb. 27th! Please be sure to help out if you can!
- Chi-Rho & CYF groups (and families and friends) are welcome to attend an ice skating event from 12:30-2:30 this Sunday, Feb. 27th! Hope you can join in this fun event!
- Week of Compassion donation deadline has been extended to Sunday, March 20th, so fill up your coin boxes in the next few weeks to help others. Details on how the best way to give is in the Weekly Calendar!
All the details are listed in the calendar belw, so please take a moment to check it out. If you have ANY questions regarding our events, please feel free to contact me anytime at: I will be glad to help!
Also, the season of Lent is approaching fast and I wanted to mention that Mantua Center Christian Church will be hosting the Ash Wednesday service at 7pm. This will be a hybrid service as well, so you may participate by attending in-person at MCCC or stream the service online. Hiram Christian Church will host the Good Friday service. I believe this service will also be at 7pm but Chad or I will confirm that and will update you soon. The Good Friday service will also be available for live streaming. Additionally, as soon as I receive the ordering information from Burton Floral, I will pass that along for any Easter flowers you might like to order.
I hope you will all give some prayerful consideration to Week of Compassion and perhaps join forces together to collect some change – to make a change! The effects are endless throughout the world when we all work together!
Blessings to you all!