Message from Pastor Chad on 2/3/22
As the snow is falling and all of us are (hopefully) warm and safe, I’m thinking about how thankful I am for all of you. The last few years have been difficult in many ways and we’ve all felt that in one way or another. So many parts of our lives have shifted in fundamental ways and church is no different. Thank you for your continued presence whether online or in-person as we figure out what the Church will be like for everyone moving forward.
Last week, thanks to our Sunday School group and Nancy Hume’s leadership, we had our Founder’s Day celebration in which we recognized MCCC’s 195th birthday. Our church has an amazing past, present, and future ahead. In this new season of “being church” what are you feeling called to do? How are you feeling called to participate? What new ministries or missions could you imagine? What is your heart telling you? The life and vibrancy of our church has always ebbed and flowed on the people hearing God’s call and putting it to action…what does that look like for you in this time and place?
Again… thank you all for your love, support, and patience during this interesting time in our history. I look forward to more “normalcy”–hopefully in the near future! That being said, we are a generation of church-goers who will be creating new practices, rituals, and programs as the Spirit leads us into a new future!
I wanted to again extend an invitation to our church members to not hesitate to reach out to me if you would like to chat, catch up, pray, or talk about ministry. Feel free to use my calendly link that will provide a 30 minute space to meet. Just click here: and it can be by phone, video, or in-person.
God’s blessing and peace be with you this week and I look forward to being with you in worship on Sunday!
Pastor Chad