An Earth Day Message from Pastor Chad

Greetings in the Name of the Risen Christ,
Happy Easter and many blessings to all of you as we come into Eastertide! Lent has been a season of looking for abundance in a time of scarcity. I hope you feel FULL to the Brim and will keep the lens of abundance as you live and love in the name of the Risen Christ.
In this space, I want to start including your prayer requests (confidentially unless otherwise noted) so if you have prayer requests please send them to me and we can place them here (as well as the prayer chain). Prayers Requests for this week are:
– The war in Ukraine- World leaders
– Barb Jackson (continuing to rehab from surgeries)
– Family in need (anonymous)
– Member waiting for test results (anonymous)
Today is Earth Day 2022 and though it is not a “liturgical” holiday, perhaps it should be! We are called to be good stewards of the earth and all its abundant resources (Genesis 1). Each and every day we can look around and see the fingerprints of God and God’s love for us. For Earth Day, I wanted to share with you this wonderful paragraph below from a meditation called “I am Surrounded by the Love of God” by Howard Thurman. Find some time today to soak in the sunshine and appreciate the grandeur of all that God has created!
“The Earth beneath my feet is the great room out of which the life upon which my body depends comes in other abundance. There is at work in the soil a mystery by which the death of one seed is reborn a thousandfold in the newness of life. The magic of wind, sun and rain creates a climate that nourishes every living thing. It is law, and more than law; it is order, and more than order–there is brooding tenderness out of which it all comes. In the contemplation of the earth, I know that I’m surrounded by the love of God.” – Howard Thurman
In the Risen Christ,