MCCC Updates – April 25, 2022

Below you will find the Weekly Calendar of Events and hope you will take a moment to check it out. I do want to remind you that our Loaves & Fishes Meal is THIS THURSDAY in the Fellowship Hall from 5-6:30pm. The menu will be a Toasted ham & cheese sandwich with your choice of soup, and we will have a variety of desserts for your pleasure! Donations are gratefully accepted but are not necessary. I hope you will stop by and join us in some comfort food and fellowship! Thanks to Carolin Newell for all her hard work in coordinating these meals!
One other thing I am excited about is that our next Day of Kindness will be Sunday, July 17th following worship! It will be WONDERFUL to have this event back inside the church this year so please don’t forget to mark your calendar and make a point to join everyone! We want the congregation to sprinkle kindness around like confetti! If you have any new “kindness ideas” for Dottie Summerlin, feel free to share them with her! ([email protected]). I can’t wait to see what she will have in store for us this year!
I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! Although I didn’t get to spend as much time as I wanted outdoors, I was so very blessed to spend several hours sharing a joyous event with my family, and what will be my extended family. My nephew is getting married in a few weeks, and the bridal shower for his fiance’ was Sunday. It was a really beautiful event filled with gifts galore, wonderful food, and lots of laughter. Again I was brought back to the impact our Lent theme, “Full to the Brim”, personally had upon me. You may think I sound like a broken record, but as much as I would have loved to be outside starting some yard work, enjoying nature, etc. . . I found myself completely “Filled to the Brim” with God’s grace on such a joyous occasion! I give thanks to God for putting me at that place, at that time, to share my love with family, new family, and their friends. So again I am saying, let us carry this theme, “Full to the Brim,” in all we do going forward. Try to be present in each moment – because in a blink – those moments are gone. God’s grace is abundant – just take a moment to stop, recognize it, and drink from His overflowing cup!
Blessings of Peace, Love, and God’s Grace be with you all,