MCCC Weekly Update – May 16, 2022

Below is our Weekly Calendar – hopefully keep everyone up to date on what is going on at MCCC and our community. There are a couple of new events included so please check it out and mark your calendar so you don’t miss out!
One item to mention is that THIS SUNDAY, May 22nd, is our “4th for the 4C’s”! It is traditionally held on the 4th Sunday of each month . . . but please know you can always drop off items in the outside bin at the lower level church entrance! Every little bit helps! The items needed for May are: Tea, Canned pasta, and Canned Chicken Noodle Soup.
On Thursday, May 26th we will have our Loaves & Fishes Dinner. It is held from 5-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. This is a free community dinner and EVERYONE is welcome! (Donations are gratefully accepted and are used to purchase supplies for next month’s dinner.) Please check out the details in the calendar. Feel free to bring your family and/or friends and enjoy an evening of fellowship! We are currently looking for VOLUNTEERS for serving and for clean-up. If you are interested, please call/text Carolin Newell at: (330) 606-7125. Our meals are held on the last Thursday of each month from January through October.
Our own Jesse Rice will be having an art exhibit following worship to display her beautiful photography works! Please take some time and see what she has to offer! Also on May 29th from 12-2pm at the old Mantua Center School, The Mantua Restoration Society will have their monthly lunch. Please stop by and support this Mantua group by eating-in or taking-out your meal following church! Donations are gratefully accepted!
I’m sure most of you know that we will soon be welcoming our newly hired Music Director, Sarah Park! On June 5th we will be having a reception following worship to thank Jan Green for graciously providing our music for the past 2 years, and to also welcome Sarah Park as part of our MCCC family. Mark your calendar and please plan on joining us in the Fellowship Hall to celebrate both these wonderful people!
As we begin this week, I am still moved by the wonderful poem Pastor Chad recited at the beginning of our worship service yesterday. I would like to share the words with you to think about this week. I encourage you to read this poem slowly – maybe even several times, and absorb what the poet is saying to YOU.
The Gathering written by Cheryl Lawrie
Why are you here?
Maybe you are here because you recognize in your own story a greater story. One spoken since the beginning of time by prophets, preachers and peacemakers. A story where God calls the world into liberation and wholeness.
Maybe you are here because you have glimpsed a moment of love that is beyond human reach…The grace that lies just beyond our fingertips
hat transforms the ugly into breathtaking; the impossible into the real
Maybe you are here, not defined by faith but with a deep conviction
that the ending to everyone’s story is yet to be written
and can be shaped into life by justice and compassion.
Maybe you are here, no longer sure whether you belong
or how any of this makes a difference
struggling to remember the vision that inspired you
or the call that now eludes you.
You are welcome…
Wishing you a blessed week “Full to the Brim” of God’s blessings!