MCCC Weekly Update – May 23, 2022

Greetings All!
Below is our Weekly Calendar of Events for MCCC & Community. If I have missed anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know! With things getting back into full swing . . . it is sometimes hard to keep track of it all!
- Please note that our Loaves & Fishes FREE dinner is this Thursday, May 26th, in the Fellowship Hall from 5-6:30pm. Please check out the menu in the calendar and come join us for a night out with friends! ALL ARE WELCOME! Ladies . . . . no cooking or dishes to do!
- This Sunday, May 29th, we will have a special Art Exhibit by Jessy Rice following worship! Hope you will make time to see some of the beautiful photographs she has taken! Her work is amazing!
- Also this Sunday, May 29th, the Mantua Restoration Society is hosting their monthly lunch at the old Mantua Center School from 12-2pm. The menu is detailed in the calendar. This is an eat-in or take-out event and donations are GRATEFULLY accepted! Again ladies . . . no cooking or dishes to do!
The calendar also includes a couple of events that are going on into June and July so take a look and plan to attend them if you can!
Now, I must acknowledge the fact that on Sunday we had the MOST AMAZING MUSIC from our own Jan Green (on organ) and our new Music Director, Sarah Park (on piano)! What a true blessing their combined music brought to our congregation. I must admit there were times when my eyes got teary! We were also blessed by a quartet consisting of Ally and Jon Bozeka, Pastor Chad, and Jon Secaur, who sang a beautiful selection acapella! My heart was “full to the brim” from the combination of musical selections that permeated the walls of our little 1827 church. I have always felt that music has the ability to reach deep down into your soul and take you away to another place – another time. It has the power to evoke emotions that perhaps you hadn’t known before, or emotions you had forgotten about in the past! I think the following quote sums it up perfectly:
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ~ Plato
May your life be enriched this week with the beauty and power of music!