MCCC Weekly Update – June 27, 2022

Below you will find our weekly calendar to help keep you informed on upcoming events! I do want to remind you that THIS THURSDAY is our Loaves & Fishes Meal from 5-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. The menu is: Vegetable Frittata, Muffin, Tossed Salad, Peaches and a variety of desserts. This is a FREE community meal and ALL are welcome! Bring a friend or neighbor and join in a meal and conversation with others in the church and community! Donations are gratefully accepted but not required.
Please note that Skip’s Music Jam has sadly been cancelled for the summer. We hope it can be resumed in the Fall, and will keep you updated closer to the time.
This Sunday will be an exciting day for the youth in the Hiram and Mantua communities as they (and our adult leaders) will be leaving for Dayton, Ohio for their mission trip! Please keep them all in your prayers for safe travels and good health. You may still donate items to help defray their costs this Sunday. The Mission Trip flyer with details is within the calendar, so please check it out and donate if you can. Every little bit will certainly help, and the kids will be most appreciative for any extra snacks!!
I promised myself I will not get into political discussions in these newsletters! It is hard! I find myself contemplating more and more how our United States of America has become, on so many levels, UN-united? No matter what side of the issues you are on, whether you are Republican or Democrat, more and more people want to engage in vocal (and physical) fighting to defend their opinions. I long for the days, as our beloved Roger Hurd has stated many times, when a discussion (political or not) could be had and no matter what side of the isle you were on, the discussion could end in laughter – and other’s feelings were accepted! The following quote by Robert Ricciardelli may sound naive to some, but I think it is still a quote worth sharing: He says:
“Be the one with compassion, who lifts the hearts of others.
Be the one with understanding, who looks for the best in people.
You be the one who changes the world one life at a time,
simply because you cared.”
May “blessings of compassion” spill over to those you encounter this week!