Message from Pastor Chad – Greetings from North Dakota
Currently I am sitting in a loud and excited gym in North Dakota with my new Chuukese friends as they play volleyball. These folks have flown in from Houston, Kansas City, Jacksonville, Vancouver, and Denver to be together for 4 days at their annual youth rally. Their theme is “Knowing God Knowing Jesus Christ” and it has been a joy and amazing learning experience to be with them.
The whole experience has been in the Chuukese language yet I have been moved by the music and all the community. I’ve also had a chance to connect with some wonderful pastors who are trying to grow their churches and adapt to life in the United States. It has been amazing to get an intimate look at the diversity within the Body of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Next week, I will be headed to Dayton, Ohio for tornado relief with the Youth Mission Trip and the following week to Chi-Rho Camp. That being said, I will still be with you on Sundays for worship. This Sunday we will have the joy of hearing Jon Secaur offer a Word and we will also commission our mission trippers. I am so grateful for all the amazing people from our congregation who have filled and will fill in for me in the pulpit this summer… we are so blessed!
Thank you for your love and prayers and looking forward to being with you in worship this Sunday!
Peace in Christ,