MCCC Weekly Updates – August 15th

Below is the Calendar of Events for MCCC & Community! Hope you will take a few moments to check it out as we have a few new items highlighted for September!
I want to send out a special thanks to Pam Auble for doing a wonderful job as Pastor on Sunday. She presented us with many ideas to consider during her sermon “How Do We Share Our Faith.” Thanks also goes out to Liz Meeker (Happy 52nd Anniversary!) and Beth Schabel for their very moving words during the service. If you missed it . . . please take a moment to listen to the service on our website: All that “food for thought” is good for the mind, body and soul!
1) MCCC Scholarship application deadline is THIS SUNDAY! Please be sure to turn in your information to either Ruth Anne Ruehr, Jon Secaur or MaryEllen Hamlin!
2) Our August Board Meeting is THIS SUNDAY, 8/21 from 12-1pm. As a reminder . . . EVERYONE IS ALWAYS WELCOME to attend and see what is happening behind the scenes at MCCC!
3) The Meghan R. Brant Quilt Raffle is well underway! You can view the quilt and purchase tickets at Crooked River Florist in Mantua! Check out the attached flyer below.
4) The Choir Sign-up Sheet in the entryway of the church is READY FOR YOUR SIGNATURE! If you would like to join, please add your name and contact information to the list so Sarah Park will be able to include you in her practice sessions. Even if you are just curious and want to check it out . . . sign your name! We can’t wait to have choir music back in the church again!
Our next 4th for the 4C’s collection will be Sunday, August 28th. It is our hope to have the kids of the church return to collecting these items during the Children’s Moment! Please bring your items to church that Sunday. (If you can’t make it on Sunday, you may still drop off items in the outside bin at the lower entrance of the church at any time.) Items needed for August are: Instant Coffee, Toothpaste, and Crackers.
On a side note:
The start of school is fast approaching and I’d like to share a post I recently shared on Facebook. I hope it gives you all a little something to “ponder!” (This post is paraphrased)
- School will be starting soon and I want to ask you a favor – sit down with your child for a few minutes and explain to them that being very tall, short, chubby, skinny, black or white is not a joke.
- Teach them that there is nothing wrong with wearing the same shoes every day.
- Explain to him or her that a used backpack carries the same dreams as a new one.
- Please teach them not to exclude anyone for “being different” or not having the same possibilities as others.
- Explain to them that teasing hurts and that they go to school to LEARN.
- Teach them how to be KIND, LOVING, AND INDEPENDENT.
- Let them know they are strong, brave, kind, caring, helpful and capable!
- Remind them that their gifts will impact the world. EDUCATION BEGINS AT HOME!
Please be mindful that with school starting soon, allow extra time when traveling during school peak hours and PRACTICE PATIENCE! May all our children/grandchildren , their classmates and friends, have a wonderful and safe school year!
Special Blessings to all the children and teachers in the 2022-23 school year!