A Message from Pastor Chad – Celebration

I have returned from vacation and am looking forward to being back with you on Sunday! I truly appreciated the 3 weeks of family time and am so grateful to Nancy Humes, Pam Auble, and Roger Cram for filling in the pulpit! We are SO BLESSED with incredible leaders and speakers in our congregation.
This morning I read about Epaphroditus in the second chapter of Philippians. I honestly did not remember his story so it was interesting to revisit it! Epaphroditus was a messenger who carried packages and messages back and forth between the churches. Originally the Apostle Paul sent him with the letter to the Philippian church and then the church sent him back to Paul with a care package of sorts. While Epaphroditus was with Paul he became ill and was unable to travel for a time. He almost died. In recovery, he was concerned that the church would worry about him so as soon as he was able, he traveled back to be with them. Too bad there weren’t frequent flyer miles back then for Epaphroditus!
Most people probably have never heard of Epaphroditus, but if not for him we may not have the book of Philippians and who knows what other books. He was behind the scenes and did great work..even while ill, to try to live and share the Gospel. He was self-less, generous, and hardworking in all he did.
In hearing Epaphroditus’ story, I’m reminded of all the amazing people at Mantua Center who work hard behind the scenes week in and week out laboring for the Gospel. We celebrate all of you and give thanks for your hard work and love for our community and church!
This month at Mantua Center, I want to invite you to think about who or what you are celebrating. Perhaps it is a wonderful occurrence in your life? Perhaps you are celebrating a person or group of people? Who or what do you want to celebrate? Each week, the worship team will have a canvas at church with the word “Celebration” on it. With paint pens, we want to invite you to add to that canvas what you are celebrating. You can draw a small picture, write a word, or phrase. What are you celebrating?
Looking forward to being in worship with you this Sunday!