Message from Pastor Chad – Regional Assembly, Sunday School, and Youth Group starting!

Greetings Church Family,
Regional Assembly
I’m excited to share with you that on September 24th, the Christian Church in Ohio will be hosting our Regional Assembly at Camp Christian! The event is FREE and if you would like to stay the night at camp it is only $30/person. This is a great opportunity to experience Camp Christian and to get to know our regional church body. I will not be able to attend as I will be out of town that weekend with my family for a band competition, but I know there are folks in our church interested in going. In fact, there is someone looking for someone to ride down with to carpool and enjoy the weekend. Please let me know if you have interest and/or plan on going! More information can be found here:
Sunday School & Fellowship
As we begin the school year and program year at Mantua Center I want to thank you for a wonderful summer of ministry! Now we go on to the fall with choir, Sunday School, and youth group getting started back up! We will have Life Study starting on Wednesday, Sept 14th and Day-Time fellowship starting the week after. Lots going on and plenty of ways to connect with one another. This Sunday, we will have our Potluck and hear about all that is happening in the congregation…please make every effort to attend!
Sunday School and Youth Group will officially start on September 18th.
Sunday School PreK-4th Grade – Christin Delaney, Nora Brant, and Sue Wright will continue to offer their time and energy to provide learning and fellowship for the kids on Sundays right after children’s moment. We are STILL in need of a Christian Education coordinator and Sunday School teacher for our children. In the meantime, these wonderful women will be providing it.
Sunday School – 5-12th grade – I will be convening and facilitating Sunday School for our Jr. High/Sr. High youth right after church–just give me a few minutes to greet with people! We’ll have discussion on the bible and life topics relevant to the youth. Please let me know if your kids will plan on attending! [email protected]
5th-8th Grade Chi-Rho Youth Group
9th-12th Grade CYF Youth Group
Youth Group will begin this year on September 18th at Derthick’s Corn Maze in the evening. Save the date! Stay tuned for details forthcoming and a FULL Fall Schedule! This event will be for 5th-12th graders, but some events throughout the year will separate the middle and high schoolers. Looking forward to a GREAT year and thank you to Kathleen Lewarchick for all the planning. If you have any questions please be in touch with her! ([email protected])
Life Study
Starting Wednesday evening, Sept 14th at 7:00pm at Mantua Center. Looking forward to seeing you there and please let Jon Secaur know if you have any questions! [email protected]
MCCC Daytime Fellowship
This will begin on Wednesday, Sept 21st at 1:30pm in the afternoon. I used the survey to find the time that the most people seem to be available. That being said, we can adjust as we go forward. This will be time for us to get together to catch up and connect. Looking forward to it. This gathering will take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month!
Lots happening! This Fall we hope to find all sorts of ways to connect as a congregation. Stay tuned for a special Sunday in October when we will invite all to be part of the process of our Re-Centering MCCC. Your board chairs — Jon Secaur and Rick Painley — have been working behind the scenes to think of ways we can involve the congregation in revitalization. More details soon.
Remember you can always go to our wonderful website that Carol Magyarics puts so much into to keep it up to date! 🙂
In the meantime, have a blessed rest of the week and looking forward to being in worship with you this Sunday!
Peace, Chad