MCCC Weekly Update – November 20-27

Below is our MCCC Weekly Calendar of Events for this coming week, and also the highlights through December. Please note that tomorrow, following worship, and before our Sunday classes, we will have the “Hanging of the Greens” in the sanctuary! We could use helping hands from all of you if you are able. Many hands make QUICK work! Please stay if you are able.
Also, as Christmas is approaching, below is a new 2022 order form for poinsettias. Payments are due with the order and should be given to Sandi Kossick or placed in the collection plate prior to Wednesday, December 7th. All the options and directions are included on the order form for your convenience. There is also space available for you to include if each order is in memory of a loved one. Those names will be included in the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day bulletins. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY!)
Since I received a few additions, I will be sending out a REVISED CONGREGATIONAL DIRECTORY on Monday, Nov. 21st. Please check your name, address, phone numbers & email addresses (from my email last week) and contact me with any corrections or additions by Sunday night. (Otherwise, it will have to wait until the next update in a couple months.) Thanks to all!
Stay warm & I hope to see you at church tomorrow!