MCCC Easter Announcements

A blessed Good Friday to all of you as we continue through this Holy Week.
Here is a Good Friday blessing for you from the poet Sarah R. Speed:
To ask why
To ask why is to break open your heart,
to pour yourself out,
to stare into the gnawing emptiness of the tomb,
to peel away any layer of security,
to walk on fire, and stand in the rain.
It’s talking about the bad dreams after you’ve had them.
It’s courageous and vulnerable, painful and necessary.
To ask why is to declare that God is God.
To ask why is to say,
be my God even when, especially when, the world falls apart.
Sunrise Service at 6:30am
– Please bring your own chair
– Please dress warmly. It will be chilly and its windy up on the hill.
Easter Breakfast
– Helpers will arrive around 6:30-7:00am
– If coming from Sunrise, you’re welcome to come to the church early to warm up! 🙂
– Breakfast will be served from 8:15 to 9:15ish.
Easter Service will be at 9:30am with wonderful special music!
Hope to see you all there and blessed and Happy Easter to you and your families!
Peace, Chad