MCCC Weekly Updates & Events – July 30, 2023
Our 6th Challenge of the Week is very similar to last week’s challenge “Be a shining light to all!” This week’s challenge comes from the scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:11. It reads “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” If we have learned anything in our country these past few years, it’s that it is too easy to discourage and tear one another down. Our news reports are filled with all the injustices around the world. The difficult thing to do is to encourage and build one another up! It sometimes might seem like you are going against the grain to do this, but it is the right thing to do, AND it is what will help point others to Jesus – ONE STEP AT A TIME. Why not make the decision today to NOT be a part of divisive talk and action, but rather to “Always seek to be the light of Jesus in your day-to-day interactions and conversations!” Let me know what you think and how it goes!
1) We forgot to collect the 4C’s food items during last week’s service, so if you have any more items to share, please feel free to drop them in the inside or outside bins at the church. (Items needed for July are Coffee, Canned Fruit, and Dish Soap).
2) THIS SUNDAY we will have our “5th Sunday of the Month Potluck” following worship! Thanks to the Elders for organizing this event! We will have another potluck on October 30th, organized by the Youth and Leaders of the church. If you have a small group of friends (5-6), or a Sunday Class, or Mission Committee, who would like to help organize any of the potlucks in 2024, please let us know. We would like to carry this event through into next year!
3) Joan Siman’s Memorial will be FRIDAY, August 4th at 11am. All are welcome to attend. Following the service the church will be providing a luncheon for the guests. We are still in need of donations of several items and if you have not signed up yet and are able to bring a requested item(s), please click on the link below and sign-up, or call/text Sandi Kossick at 330-607-7003.
The link to sign-up
4) Pam Auble is looking for nature photos from our church family to share in worship on August 20th. Specifically, photos of rivers, mountains, sunsets, night skies, will be great. However, your garden flowers, forest path or backyard will be appreciated. Please email your pictures to [email protected]. And do so quickly, by August 8th if at all possible.
5) Hot off the press! Kathleen Lewarchick has just submitted the Fall schedule for Centering Prayer sessions! The dates for this season are Sept. 9th, Oct. 14th, and Nov. 11th, and will be held at her home at 5182 Winchell Rd., Mantua, Oh 44255. Attached with this email is a flyer and link that will provide you some additional information about the Practice of Silent Reflection. I hope you will be able to join in one (or all!) of these sessions. Check out the flyer!
6) Please check out the MCCC Mary Cann, Perlea Converse, and Lucius Converse Memorial Scholarship Application for those who will be going this fall into higher education. Please be sure to turn in your application by August 20th. Don’t be late! There will be extra copies on the bulletin board in the front entrance of the church.
Tomorrow’s worship service will be a special one, because it is Rev. Alicia’s last sermon with us. We are grateful we have gotten the chance to know her and worship with her. We appreciate her taking two months off from her regular schedule to serve and be an inspiration for our church. Please join us tomorrow and send her off with our warmest MCCC appreciation and God’s love. Joining Rev. Alicia tomorrow will be Brian Hurd as Worship Leader, Sally Hoffman and Steve Hurd who will lead us through Communion, Sarah Park who will provide our music, and Jon Secaur who will provide our Special Music selection! Hope to see you all in worship tomorrow!
As you go about your daily interactions and conversations this week, may you all be a little more mindful of “Seeking to be the light of Jesus.” If you are able to curb one argument, bring a smile to someone’s face, share some time in conversation, or simply extend a helpful hand to someone in need . . . it will have been a successful week! Let’s keep it going! (And let me know how it goes, what you felt or how the reaction was!)
Wishing you all a very blessed week!