MCCC Message from Pastor Chad

One of the ways the Mantua Center Christian Church exhibits the Fruits of the Spirit – – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) – – is through the our board meetings. Unfortunately, many peoples’ experience of board meetings at churches can be unpleasant. Often there is squabbling and petty disagreements about things that are not critical to building the Kindom of God. In my experience, however, MCCC has sought to maintain an open, thoughtful, and faithful approach to handling the business of the church. We have respectful and even exciting conversation about what we’ve done and what we hope to do together as a church. Our board members are kind, patient, and willing to listen to different perspectives and weigh them carefully. Of course, there is always room for growth and finding even better ways to be sure all perspectives and ideas are heard so that we can be the best we can be. Remember, we aren’t perfect people, but perfectly loved and seeking to do our best. I’m so thankful for all the leaders and members of our church who make the time to be present at board meetings and make their presence and ideas known! (MCCC Board meetings are typically on the 3rd Sunday of the month at noon…all are welcome!).
One of the current discussions at the board is to make our church building more accessible for our members. Our wonderful trustees are working very hard at getting quotes to perhaps get a stair lift for the sanctuary stairwell and to re-do the fellowship hall bathrooms. Part of seeking to be a more inclusive and open community is making sure all can access the facilities in our building. This was also one of the big take-aways from our Re-Centering Initiative last November. Please keep this project in your prayers and offer your support and ideas when you get a chance!
This Sunday we will here a message in scripture and word about listening. Are we really listening to each other and to God? What kind and quality of listening are we demonstrating?
We hope you will join us in person or online and I look forward to being in workshop with you this week!
Peace in Christ,