From Pastor Chad – Attendance, A/V & Worship

A few weeks ago I had an interesting conversation. Someone asked me about our church and it was fun to share a bit about the Mantua Center Christian Church. I talked about the “heart” of the people and the care that people genuinely have for one another. I mentioned how many people have a “servant’s heart” and love to reach out to those around them and to serve those in need. I talked about Kids Weekend Meals, Loaves & Fishes, the Smile Team, the Youth Mission Trip, StoryTime, and much more. It felt good to name so many ways that our little church makes an impact on a daily/weekly basis. Then they asked “How many people go to your church?” Well, that’s a little harder to answer. At first I thought about how many folks are in the house on a Sunday morning and that can vary between 50-70 (typically). But then, of course, I had to account for those that attend our service online or watch during the week (usually between 30-50 views on YouTube). If you count views as “1.5” as some colleagues have suggested (because 1 view could represent more than one person) we could have between 95-150 people that worship with our church on a weekly basis. Not to mention the many others who offer their helping hands with all our ministries that don’t attend on Sundays.
Our church has been around for almost 200 years (2027 is coming soon!) and we continue to find ways to share the Gospel in ways that meet people and families where they are. Yes, our culture is different now and we may not have as many folks “in the house”, but our reach as a congregation is going farther than ever. Thank you for all the ways that you offer your time, talent, treasure, and presence to keep MCCC alive and active!
Sound and Video System
Thanks to the hard work of Carol Magyarics and the forward thinking of the Board, we will have a more fully updated Sound and Video system in the sanctuary starting this week. New cameras have been installed, new microphones hooked up, and other improvements that should make the in-house and online experience even better. Also, we will be much more ready to adapt to any new audio/visual technology that will emerge in the future. If you get a chance, say a BIG THANK YOU to Carol for all her hard work on this! Also, please be patient with us as we figure it all out!
Sunday Worship
This Sunday we will be looking at a passage in 2 Samuel about King David. Many of us probably have a picture of King David in our minds, but it may not include the whole picture of his life. How do we think of the leaders in our life? Do we put them on a pedestal? Do we remember they are human too? The passage is a great reminder for all of us to remember where our help comes from and who we can trust as we navigate the complexity of life.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend and I hope to see you on Sunday morning!
Peace in Christ,