From Pastor Chad – Celebrations, Prayers, and the Day of Kindness!

I’ve been serving the Mantua Center Christian Church for 16 years and throughout this time of ministry we have experienced the gamut of emotions. During a worship service there is laughter and joy alongside expressions of grief and sorrow. I’m grateful for all the people who have been a part of this community to experience life with and to see God working in the midst of it all. Every person you see coming in and out of the doors of our church are experiencing a grief or celebration that we cannot see. Let’s continue to be loving, tender, and understanding to all in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you to all the people who participate in our community and who pray for everything happening.
This week we have some celebrations! You will be receiving a official notice that we have been able to hire a new treasurer from our very midst – – Marcia Page. Thanks to Steve Hurd and our HR committee who executed the search for the one to step in for the wonderful, fabulous Liz Meeker who is retiring from the position. Liz will still be very active in Kids Weekend Meals and in all other aspects of the church, but it has come time for her to move forward from the position. Liz is an extraordinary woman of faith and we are so grateful for all her time and talent that she’s given over these years (and thanks to Paul too who has been a supporting presence). Thanks be to God for Marcia’s willingness to say “yes” and I look forward to working with her.
I also want to celebrate that we’ll get to go in through the front doors of the church this week! Due to the hard and patient work of the trustees, the railings have been installed and we will be able to welcome people in through the front door. Please thank the trustees any chance you get and for all those who are working hard to bring our building entrances up to date.
In the midst of these celebrations, I also wanted to express our deepest sympathies to the Doles and Bennett families with the passing of their beloved daughter/granddaughter Emmy. The calling hours are today and the services will be tomorrow in Willoughby. Please keep them all in your prayers. If you want to send a card to them, their address is:
Brian and Becky Doles
10319 Pinecrest Rd
Concord, OH 44077
This Sunday’s worship service will invite us to put our faith to action – The Day of Kindness! There are so many ways to spread kindness and we’ll have an opportunity to pray and act upon that Sunday. Please join us for a potluck after worship and be ready to participate in activities to spread kindness. Thank you so much to Kathleen Lewarchick and Roger Cram for organizing this wonderful day.
God’s grace and peace be with you and I hope to see you Sunday!