Message from Pastor Chad – Celebration, Purple Chalice, and Looking Foward

I am filled with gratitude and inspiration from our service at the river last Sunday. Thanks to the hospitality of Camp Hi (thanks Helen, Kendra, and Dave!), the technology know-how of Carol Magyarics, the planning by the Worship Team, the help of our Elder Chairs (Brian & Steve), the musical talents of Ryan Lind, and the faithful response of church members from MCCC and Hilltop…everything went beautifully! What a blessing it was to witness Linda Head and Candy Lloyd–accompanied by family and friends–renew their commitment to Jesus Christ in the waters of baptism. The weather was beautiful and the wind of the Spirit was blowing. Thank you to all who were able to be with us in presence and prayer and many, many blessings to Linda and Candy as they move forward in faith.
Purple Chalice Month
This month we are celebrating Purple Chalice month. As many of you know, the symbol of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a red chalice with the St. Andrew’s cross. We have also seen the chalice colored green to signify a commitment to environmental justice. As worship team discussed the stress of the election season and the divisions present in the country, we wondered about a “purple” chalice. Many people in the country identify as “blue” or “red” depending on their political leanings, but we hope to make space for purple (red & blue blended together). In our country and in our church there are different ideas and beliefs, but we hope to come together to live and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Let’s continue to walk together and remember that all are children of God!
On this Labor Day weekend, we hope you make time to join us in worship in-person or online. This Sunday we will be exploring a wonderful (and familiar) passage in 1 Corinthians and how it might challenge us to more deeply accept one another despite our differences. We will also be hearing a little bit more on how our building projects are moving ahead and hearing some special music from Jan. Please join us and invite a friend!
Several more things:
- Thank you so much for your love and support as I started the grad school program at Christian Theological Seminary this week…your prayers mean a lot.
- This week begins our Wednesday studies. Keep an eye out for info!
- Remember that our Unity Prayer Vigil will start on Sunday, Sept 8 at 6p in the Sanctuary.
God’s grace and blessings be with you and looking forward to seeing you Sunday!
Peace in Christ,