A Message from Pastor Chad – Thanksgiving, 4th for the 4C’s, Building, Advent Info & Schedule
Good Morning and Happy Friday! I hope you are staying warm as the weather starts to chill down!
This Sunday, as we approach Thanksgiving, we want to take a moment to consider how we are finding joy and gratitude and laughter in our lives. Worship will be a time to catch our breath, connect with our loving church family, and ready our hearts—not only for Thanksgiving but for the season of Advent that begins soon! Remember, too, that this Sunday is the 4th for the 4C’s.
For the record (and I hope you know this), Christin and I are SO VERY THANKFUL for our church family. We feel so blessed to be part of this community and you all have made a huge impact on our lives. We love you all!
There’s lots of exciting things happening at the church! We have a framework in the basement for the new bathroom and now there is a framing out front for the ramp. There are some more hurdles to get over, but the wonderful progress continues!
Advent is a season of anticipation as we await the coming of Christ. It’s a time when we think about what it means to invite, plan for, prepare for, and welcome Christ into our lives. This year, we’ll be exploring hospitality as our Advent theme. What does it mean to make room for others, to offer welcome, and to live with hearts open to God’s call? Advent is not just about waiting for Jesus; it’s about actively preparing ourselves and the world around us for his presence. Together, we’ll journey into this sacred season with reflection, prayer, and a spirit of welcome. We will also be blessed with an Advent Devotional written by our own members!
**Please see the Advent Schedule and description of this year’s theme below! In the schedule is the Christmas Party and the Blue Christmas Service. Please invite friends and family to these events along with Christmas Eve!
This Sunday’s service will send us into Thanksgiving with an attitude of gratitude and looking for ways to choose joy! We will share meaningful music, scripture, prayer, and reflection—all-seeking to draw us closer to God and to each other.
We hope to see you this Sunday as we prepare for the holy season ahead. Please come with Open Minds, Open Hearts, and Open Arms ready to love and serve the Lord!
Peace in Christ,