Message from Pastor Chad – Building, Conversations, Advent Coming
Have you felt it? It’s beginning. The crispness in the air is getting just a bit more frequent. There is that gentle shift reminding us that seasons are changing. There’s something refreshing about the way autumn invites us to slow down, reflect, and prepare for what’s next. There is something bothersome (at least for me!) that it will colder soon. The other day I wore a knit cap and gloves for a walk on the trail. Winter jackets will be coming out. I can no longer be in denial…the season is indeed changing. That being said, it is Ohio so next week could be warm again! Anyways, it got me thinking about the ways we stay warm spiritually when it turns colder in our world. Life happens in ways that sometimes feel cold and cruel…how do we respond? Where do we seek warmth and solace? What is your spiritual “knit hat” and “gloves”? Is it prayer? Is it music? Is it rest? A cup of coffee in the quiet of the morning? What is it for you? Whether warm or cold outside, let’s find ways to be thankful and to keep our inner and spiritual life vibrant with God’s love and presence.
Advent is Coming
Advent is just around the corner, and our theme this year is based on a book by Kara Eidson called Stay Awhile:Advent Lessons in Divine Hospitality. Together, we’ll discover how God welcomes us and calls us to be people of welcome in a world longing for connection. Keep an eye out for our invitation and a schedule will be sent out soon so that you can make preparations. Think about someone you may want to invite to worship this year who may need the joy and connections of a faith community!
Building Changes
More progress is being made at the church building with the concrete floor being put in the new bathroom area, footers placed for the accessibility ramp, and the new stairs were delivered ready to be installed! Hopefully you have already noticed our brand new front doors! Amazing! Lots of wonderful stuff is happening due to the hard work of our MCCC Trustees. Nearly every day there are Trustees at the church building to oversee things and help make things happen. Thanks be to God for their gifts of time and energy and faith!
More Conversation
I just wanted to let you know that I continue to have conversations with folks in the aftermath of the election. Lots of emotions are still present and there is lots of new information and changes that will be coming out daily as the transition occurs. Please reach out if you would like to chat or if you would be interested in a group that would gather to process. I’ve also had several reach out to me who are pleased with the election results, but are really confused about what folks are so upset about. Their curiosity and willingness to listen has been inspiring. Despite the anger and frustration present for many, there are glimpses of the “ice” thawing a bit as people are finding ways to communicate, listen, and even try to understand. Keep finding ways to build bridges, pray for one another, and be good to yourself by taking care of your mind, body, and soul.
This Sunday, we’ll explore a story from scripture that challenges us to think about the paths we choose—especially in the hard moments. It’s a message that has challenged me tremendously and I hope it does that for you too.
I hope you’ll join us this Sunday whether in person or online. Let’s come together to worship and find a more gracious path for us to walk together.
With grace and hope,