MCCC Updates – December 28, 2024

We are having a “quiet” week at the church this coming week. The Wednesday gathering groups will resume meeting on January 8th, and Story Time will resume on Tuesdays when school is back in session. Hope you will use this break time to rejuvenate your body and soul!
Below are the bulletin & announcements, coloring page and YouTube link for Sunday, Dec. 29th. (Remember you can access the announcements by opening up the bulletin link, then scroll to the last page.
Just a reminder that Pastor Chad will be on vacation with his family until January 7th. If any pastoral concerns come up please contact your Shepherding Elder, one of Chairs of the Elders (Brian Hurd and/or Steve Hurd), or our secretary (and Elder) Sandi Kossick. They will be able to help or point you in the direction to get the help you need. Keep our pastor in your prayers as he gets some much needed rest and time with family.
If you would like to take home your poinsettia plants you may do so after tomorrow’s service. Please make sure you get the plant with YOUR name on it! I will have a list of what everyone bought & can assist you in finding the right one. You also have the option to leave them in the sanctuary during this holiday season. How beautiful they look on the Chancel!
All Chi-Rho participants (grades 6-8) are welcome to join in the “Lock-in” at Hiram Christian Church from Friday, January 3rd (6pm) through Saturday, January 4th (10am)! If you have any questions, please contact Chris McCreight at [email protected]. Feel free to bring a friend or two!!
In Pastor Chad’s absence, Rick Painley will be filling in as our “preacher” tomorrow! Oscar Russo will be our Worship Leader, Katie Baird and Ally Bozeka will lead us through Communion, and Jan Green will provide two special music selections! Last, but not least, is Sarah Park who continues to uplift us with her music! Thanks to all for blessing our church with your words and your music!
On a side note . . .
In December we hosted what always seems like a “flurry” of gatherings leading up to Christmas, with Chad and the Worship Team (Rick Painley, Chair) in almost constant communication. We hosted our regular Advent services on Sundays, and held the additional Blue Christmas service (led by Linda Idoine, Pastor Chad, and Kathleen Leigh Lewarchick who provided the sermon) on Dec. 22nd and the Christmas Eve Candlelight service on Dec. 24th. Thanks to those who blessed us with their gift of music (Jon & Ally Bozeka, Ryan & Karly Lind, Daniel Oh & Sarah Park, and Jan Green).
On top of that, we hosted our annual MCCC Christmas Party (led by Carolin Newell, and the Summerlins) which is always fun, we held our “Decorating the Church” Sunday on Dec. 22nd (led by the Hoffmans and Herrons and other volunteers) beautiful job! The Delaney’s presented their annual “Cookie Sunday” (yum!) and even included Gluten Free treats, and the Children’s Pageant which was so enjoyable and even included participation from the audience! In between all these activities, Carol Magyarics was in the background making sure all presentations were set from the technical standpoint, Katie Baird, Carol Magyarics, and Sandi Kossick made sure the 2024 Devotionals were compiled, organized and printed, and the delivery of flowers was taken and arranged in the sanctuary with the help of Steve Hurd and Sandi Kossick. While all this was happening, the Trustees were working ’round the clock to make sure the stairs were finished and construction work was moving along, while cleaning and re-cleaning the church many times from all the dust that accumulated! (Thanks in large part to Pat Hoskin, Beth Voynovich, Brian Summerlin, and any others who assisted in this very time consuming project!) WHEW!! THAT WAS A LOT! Please take a moment to extend your heartfelt thanks to all those who put in so many extra hours to make our church and our services as meaningful as possible. Blessings to all who helped in ANY way to make these events happen! We could not do it without your support!
Hope you all had many Christmas blessings this year, and I look forward to seeing you at church tomorrow morning! Merry Christmas to all my Church Family!
YouTube link for Sunday, December 29, 2024