MCCC Updates – January 17, 2025

This Sunday we will be celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday, led by Pastor Chad. He will be joined by Ryan Lind as Worship Leader, Elder’s Kathleen Lewarchick and Carol Buzbee who will lead us through Communion, Jan Green who will graciously provide our “Special Music”, and Sarah Park who will lovingly keep us on track through our hymns! (We sometimes need a little help!) Thanks to all for making our worship service the best!
We have a few important dates listed below so please take a moment to read:
- Attention ALL WOMEN of the church! OWM (Ohio Women’s Ministries) will be holding a meeting in the sanctuary immediately following worship THIS Sunday, January 19th. ALL WOMEN OF THE CHURCH are asked to attend and vote on where funds that were earned in 2024 should be dispersed. Please make every effort to come to church on January 19th!
- MCCC Board Meeting is THIS SUNDAY at 12pm. All are welcome to attend and see what is going on at MCCC behind the scenes! I think you would be surprised to see how many activities abound at MCCC!
- Chi-Rho (grades 6-8). There will be a group gathering at Hiram Christian Church THIS SUNDAY, January 19th at 12pm. At 12:15 we will depart for the Cleveland Museum of Art to partake in a fun scavenger hunt! If you have any questions, please contact Chris McCreight at [email protected]
- Back by popular demand … Add soup to your menu for the Superbowl Game on the 9th!
OWM will be hosting a “Soup-er Bowl Sunday” on Sunday, February 9th!
We will be offering a variety of soups (in quart size jars for $8/jar) and cornbread squares (for $1 each). We will need volunteers to provide soups and cornbread for sale. The proceeds of this sale will go to various missions in January of 2026. If you are able to donate items for this event, please contact Pat Hoskin at: [email protected]. Let her know what type of soup you will be providing or how much cornbread. This event is TAKE-OUT only, so soups will not have to be kept hot! Monetary donations are also gratefully accepted. - 4th for the 4C’s food collection is Sunday, January 26th.
Items needed for January are: Pasta Sauce, Cookies, Individual cups of Mac & Cheese, and Canned Pasta. If you are able, please add a few of these items to your shopping list this month! Remember, NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL when combined with others! Thanks for your continued support! - Let’s celebrate the Birthday of MCCC together with a POTLUCK on January 26th following worship! Please bring a dish to pass, we will have punch and cake for all! We are also celebrating the progress that has been made on the church renovations! Our church Trustees deserve our thanks for all their hard labor! Please stay and join us in fellowship and food!
- Loaves & Fishes free community meal returns on January 30th (the last Thursday of each month), from 5-6:30pm. Our menu is: Pork Roast, Cole Slaw, Mixed Veggies, Roll & Butter, Beverage & choice of dessert. (Donations are gratefully accepted but not required).
- Please mark your calendars for February 2nd! The Smile Team is working on a fun activity following worship, but the details are not finalized yet. Stay tuned for the updates!
- This coming week’s happenings are:
- Monday – Knitters & Crocheters are invited to join in a work session at Hilltop Church from 1:30-3:00pm. Anyone is welcome!
- Tuesday – StoryTime for preschoolers from 10:30-11:30am in the Fellowship Hall! All are welcome!
- Wednesday – “Dwelling on the Word” Bible Study from 1:15-2:30pm.
- Wednesday – “Life Study” where we will be discussing a podcast, from 6:30-8pm.
Other announcements are obtained by clicking on the attached bulletin, and scroll down to the last 2 pages, or check out our website for all the information! (
On a side note …
I’m sure you have noticed on the Prayer Chain we have added quite a number of people (many from our congregation) who are currently sick or had surgeries. Please remember to take a moment this week to send a card to someone on our list who could use a little “pick-me-up”. It is amazing how that simple little gesture can brighten someone’s day. Contact Sandi for an “Ongoing Prayer List”. There will be a few extra hard copies this Sunday on the “Caring Desk” if you would like to take one home. Let’s all do our part to spread our light during difficult times for others. Isn’t that what Jesus would do?
May God guide your words this week as you write your cards to lift others,