MCCC Announcements – February 16, 2025

Tomorrow, Feb. 16th, we will again try to have “Camp Sunday!” Let’s all pray for no more ice storms to complicate things again! Below is a revised bulletin and updated announcements from last week for those watching at home, but in an effort to save some paper, the bulletin in the sanctuary will NOT be totally accurate. It won’t have the correct date and this week the Communion will be led by
Sandi Kossick and Nora Brant. (A few copies of the updated announcements will be in the entry of the church for those who want them.) I am looking forward to this service, as Camp Christian has played an important part in the lives of so many at Mantua Center Church. I hope you will join us tomorrow and start thinking of those who might benefit from attending church camp!
At the top of MCCC news, I want to make sure you know that our OWM “Soup-er Sunday” fundraiser has been postponed until sometime in March. (It WILL NOT be tomorrow!) We will keep you posted soon! Think about taking off a night of cooking in March to buy homemade soup and cornbread for a nice light dinner! OWM will appreciate your support and the cook of your house will appreciate a dinner already planned! It’s a WIN-WIN!
CYF and CHI-RHO will be gathering to do some Rock Climbing tomorrow, Feb. 16th. Please check your emails for all the details!
Thirdly, our MCCC Board Meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, Feb. 16th from 12-1pm. Anyone is more than welcome to attend and hear about the updates and decisions of our church. We welcome all your input! A light lunch will be provided.
Fourthly, Kids Weekend Meals is looking for new substitute drivers. The number of kids we are now feeding on the weekends has grown to 209!! If you are able to help deliver food, every other Thursday, at your convenience, please let Liz Meeker know by calling: (330) 281-3409. You should figure deliveries take 1-1 1/2 hours depending on your route. Please help if you are able!
What’s on the calendar for the upcoming week?
- 1) Monday 2/17 – Hilltop Knitters & Crocheters meet from 1:30-3pm2
- Tuesday 2/18 – Story Time for preschoolers from 10:30-11:30am
- Wednesday 2/19 – Bible/Scripture Study (“Dwelling on the Word”) from 1:15-2:30pm
Life Study from 6:30-8pm - Thursday 2/20 – n/a
- Friday 2/21 – Smile Team Meeting 1pm. If you are interested in joining us, please come to MCCC at 1pm! We welcome new ideas and extra helping hands!
- Saturday 2/22 – n/a
- Sunday 2/23 – Week of Compassion, “4th for the 4C’s” food collection, & Baby item donations! Don’t forget to bring in your coin boxes, food collection items – (Canned Pasta, pop tarts, chicken noodle soup, & toothpaste), and donations of diapers, baby wipes or large black trash bags for the Free Clothing Giveaway.
On a side note… I know it seems like we will be having a LOT of missions to give to next Sunday, Feb. 23rd, but please know you are not expected to give to EVERYTHING! If you are financially able – THAT’S GREAT! But for a lot of us, especially in these times when everything seems to be increasing in price, (and will probably go higher) it becomes hard for the average family to support EVERYTHING! If you are torn as to what you can financially give . . . search your heart. Maybe there is one mission that really pulls at your heartstrings and tells you “This is the one!” You don’t have to spend a fortune to support that mission, just give what you can comfortably afford. . . and don’t feel guilty about it if you can’t do more. Remember, (and I say this all the time!)
“NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL WHEN COMBINED WITH OTHERS!” Together, with faith, we can move mountains! Thank you for your support in whatever you can do!
Wishing you all of God’s blessings this week, and beyond! Remember to spread kindness to all!