Preparing for Advent – 12/2/23
How Does a Weary World Rejoice?
“The day I began working on this image, another mass shooting terrorized our country… As I read and reread Psalm 80 on that day of mourning, I remembered that politeness is not the language of the weary. The psalmist supplied me with the words I wanted to pray, the words I wanted to scream: ‘Wake up your power, God! Save us! How long?!’
Then, I began to draw. What emerged was a face shining from the cosmos. I imagined God as Holy Mother or Holy Parent weeping for her creation… The doves represent the Spirit let loose in our world, flapping their wings into every desperate corner. I added them not as a statement, but as a plea: ‘please, God, make your face shine so we might be saved.'”
— from the artist statement for “Make Your Face Shine” by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity | @sanctifiedart