CYF 2023 Charleston WV Mission Trip – Day 5

Day 5 – All groups are cranking it out and getting close to completion! Breakfast burritos and rice porridge started our day out right!
Team Dave & Sally completed Ms. Sheet’s porch and re-aligned the walkway to fit the new porch! She was so happy and was overwhelmed when presented with a quilt that was made with love from the Mantua community. They finished early so they headed to the Chad & Larisa site to assist.
Team Chad & Larisa finished laying the flooring in the spare bedroom, painted a front door, finished staining the massive deck, and prepped the outside of the house for painting.
Team Chris & Carol began building the new deck for Ms. Calloway. With limited materials, accuracy and being level were key, so work was slow and steady at the beginning. Once blocks were level, the deck frame was put together. We were able to lay all but one row of decking which required a jigsaw. We accomplished way more than we thought we would, so it was a great day!
We enjoyed hotdogs, beans & kale salad for dinner topped off with Amish Friendship Bread with ice cream for dessert! We took an after dinner walk to the Art Walk in downtown Charleston and found Jean to present her on of the beautiful Mantua quilts. A stop at Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences of West Virginia was so cool. Devotions and bed so we can finish strong tomorrow!