February 9, 2025 Sunday Worship Service is CANCELLED

Sunday worship service is cancelled for February 9, 2025 due to unsafe, winter weather conditions.
Sunday worship service is cancelled for February 9, 2025 due to unsafe, winter weather conditions. Due to the very icy and treacherous conditions on the road and in our parking lot, your Board, Elder, and Pastoral leadership have decided to cancel our onsight worship tomorrow morning. It was a hard decision, but we feel it is the best and safest option given the icy conditions. I was out late this afternoon and evening and it was very unsafe.
Help Contacting People!
Please feel free to text/call/email those you know who are part of the MCCC family to make sure the word gets out!
Camp Christian Sunday
Don’t worry, we will still be celebrating Camp Christian Sunday next week.
SOUPer Sunday
Please eat or freeze your SOUP and bring it NEXT week, Feb 16th (unless you hear otherwise). We still want to have an amazing fundraiser for our OWM.
Worship Opportunities
- I will be providing a liturgy for you to do your own “worship at home” and a sermon from the Week of Compassion to get us ready for our Feb 23rd Offering. Please look for the service to come over your email in the morning and pass it along to others.
- This also could be a wonderful opportunity to go to our MCCC YouTube site and experience one of our online worship services if you haven’t already. Go to: https://www.youtube.com/@mantuacentercc/streams
- Take time to rest, connect with God, or reconnect with a loved one.
Thank you for your understanding and please stay in, safe, and warm! God’s blessings be with you and looking forward to seeing you NEXT Sunday. Peace in Christ, Chad
Stay safe. Peace be with you!