Sunday Worship Service is ONLINE ONLY for February 16, 2025

Sunday worship service is ONLINE-ONLY for February 16, 2025 due to unsafe, winter weather conditions. The church parking lot and sidewalks are a sheet of ice.
Sunday worship service is online-only for February 16, 2025 due to unsafe, winter weather conditions. Due to the very icy and treacherous conditions in our parking lot, your Board, Elder, and Pastoral leadership have decided to hold an online-only worship service. Pastor Chad will be preaching from the pulpit, so join us online this morning!
Help Contacting People!
Please feel free to text/call/email those you know who are part of the MCCC family to make sure the word gets out!
Thank you for your understanding and please stay in, safe, and warm! God’s blessings be with you and looking forward to seeing you NEXT Sunday. Peace in Christ, Chad
Stay safe. Peace be with you!