3rd Century Communication Team Update – 6/5/24

The Communication Group met Wednesday, 6/5/2024 evening and wanted to share some guidelines for maintaining strong communication and transparency with the congregation and beyond.
- Please keep the minutes during your meetings. Have someone type up the minutes of each subcommittee in a single, ever-expanding Google Doc titled with the name of your subcommittee. Then, share it with [email protected]. Carol will create a folder on Google Drive to collect all the Docs for each subcommittee that will be accessible at any time to anyone with whom we wish to share the link.
Here’s ours as an example: Communication Group Minutes. Now at our next meeting, I can simply mark the date and take the minutes right in this document and it will be up-to-date without having to re-share with Carol. - Carol will build a special 3rd Century webpage on the MCCC website featuring blog post updates, the Google Doc Minutes for each of the subcommittees and possibly more. We want to publish a blog post after each Team meeting offering updates and developments. Having a virtual landing page for this project will be essential to keeping everyone at the church informed and allow us to more succinctly engage in the process and narrative of this 3rd Century Team Campaign.
- Announcements/updates will be made to the congregation the Sunday after the 3rd Century Team meetings (about once a month). These will correlate with the blog post that will go up, so anyone not in attendance can still get access to information and updates at any time. They can come from Chad, Carol, Dottie, myself, or anyone else on the team! Come on down.
- We’re working on getting a physical symbol–a ladder–to set up in the narthex that will help people visualize our goals and objectives more concretely. These will be taken from the great graphic Jon provided at our first meeting.
- Our group is using the Google Meet app to conduct virtual meetings. Whether or not you have Gmail, you’re able to use this app. It’s simple and efficient. Just wanted to share!
Looking forward to our next meeting on July 25 at 7 pm at the church!