MCCC 3rd Century Kickoff Meeting – 5/23/24

The first meeting of the 3rd Century Building Team convened on Thursday, May 23, 2024 in the MCCC Campbell classroom for the purpose of developing an inclusive, comprehensive, and flexible design to prepare our church building and congregation for the third century of ministry, worship, and fellowship.

Led by Jon Secaur, the team began with:
- How we got here – work from the previous Building Committee (see diagrams below)
- How we’re paying for it so far
- Announcement of our architect, Mr. David Patterson, Motter & Meadows from Canton, OH
- Our tentative big vision plans (see below) and immediate next steps
- Brainstorm Working Groups and choose which one (or more) spoke to us
Committee Chair: Jon Secaur
Committee Members: Linda Idoine, Dottie Summerlin, Brian Summerlin, Pat Hoskin, Rev. Chad Delaney, Carol Magyarics, Beth Voinovich, Paul Meeker, Randy Alger, Karly Lind, (not in attendance: Roger Cram, Dale Ausperk, Fred Delaney)


Based on Re-Centering discussions to make the building more accessible and to take care of immediate building needs, the MCCC Trustees have already begun making improvements.
- Protect the building by waterproofing foundation – complete
- Build an ADA compliant accessible entrance ramp and new doors – in progress
- Install a chairlift to access the Fellowship Hall and bathrooms – researching design options
- Build an ADA compliant accessible restroom off the Fellowship Hall – researching design options
- Complete audio, video & streaming services – complete by end of June, 2024
- Install an elevator with access to all levels of the building – researching design options
- Erect a new wing on the south side of the building
- Equip that wing with kitchen, storage, and recreation

- Short Term Fundraising (DCEF)
– Carol - Long Term Fundraising (capital campaign)
– Brian Hurd - Grant Writing
– Jon, Karly - Moon Shot Fundraising (Foss, Mormons, Lambert, Brehm)
– Jon, Dottie - Bequests
Project Oversight
- Architect
– Jon, Linda - Contractors
– Pat, Paul, Brian, Randy,
– Beth, Dale, Fred,
– Linda, Carol
- Strategic (what is our way?)
– Chad - Spatial
– Pat, Paul, Brian,
– Beth, Randy, Linda
- Interactions with Township
– Pat, Brian - Visuals, graphics, ladder
– Chad, Karly, Carol, Dottie - Signs
- Logo Design
– Carol, Karly

The team is scheduled to meet again on July 25, 2024 at 7pm at Mantua Center Christian Church. The groups will present their progress at this time. As we move forward, we are committed to keeping the congregation in-the-know. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the team members.
If you would like to join the 3rd Century Building Team, talk to Jon Secaur to discuss your interests.