Apr 13, 2021 MCCC Updates

The Smile Team wants to send a HUGE THANK YOU for all the support we had for our teacher appreciation mission for all the Teachers, staff, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and maintenance personnel in all our Crestwood schools! To all of you who helped supply Hershey Kisses, more than 67 dozen cookies (including several dozen Gluten Free), or contributed donations of cash, we could NOT have done this large project without your help! Your kindness was overwhelming and so appreciated by those in our Crestwood School District. We also recently delivered appreciation gifts to all our MCCC teachers and hope it brought a smile to their faces!
Another project we recently did was to deliver Easter baskets to the younger children of our church! There can never be too many Easter treats, right? What fun we had putting all those together!
As we noted in a recent email, our next project will be our “Drive-thru” Day of Kindness on May 22nd from 11-1:00 at the church. In case you missed it, please take a moment to check out the details and perhaps consider donating your time, talent or treasure to any of these wonderful missions! We are offering four different missions to choose from: Blessing Bags, Prayer Shawls, 4-C’s Collection, and Yard Clean-up participation. Keep in mind the Smile Team is offering a bagged hot dog lunch to-go for anyone participating or donating as our personal THANK YOU for continuing to support the church and keep these missions going!
We are so very grateful to be partnering with these already established missions of our church and creating new ones in a fun way! If anyone is interested in joining our group, or if you have ideas to bring more smiles to our church or community, please feel free to contact our Chair, Becky Tipton, at: 216-870-7039. We welcome ALL help, ALL ideas and ALL smiling faces! Thanks again for your support!
This is just a reminder that our St. Pauly Clothing Shed, in the south parking lot, is open for donations! Please feel free to pass the word! St. Pauly distributes gently used clothing to help those in the United States as well as those in other countries.
Roundup Lake Campground is currently looking for summer help. If you are interested, click on the link below to apply online. https://www.rounduplakecampground.com/
Children’s Moment Sign Ups
Are you looking to get involved with our virtual services? We are still looking for more volunteers to record Children’s Moment mini-sermons for a couple of dates in the Spring. These sermons are about 1-2 minutes long, and can be done by anyone– even kids! If you are interested, please reach out to Ally Hurd ([email protected]) to attend an info session.