Easy Ways to Give

Through our new accounting software, there is a new “tool” called “Text to Give.” It is an easy way for everyone to be able to make their offering. Please know we are all in different places right now. Here is how to get started.
Text GIVE to 833-718-0160 or

Text this number 833-718-0160 with the message of how much you would like to give.
For example, to test, I wrote in the message line, Give $10. The text came back with a message, “it looks like you aren’t set up yet” and a link to set up. From there you will be guided to confirm your gift amt, the purpose of your gift (ie, pledge, basket (non pledge,) green chair, flowers etc.
You can also set up if your gift is recurring (weekly, monthly etc) and then enter your payment method. It is so easy and can be done from anywhere. It literally took 2 minutes. It is also very secure.
The other ways we have provided for you to donate are through the e-giving site through MCCC’s website or writing a check and mailing it. There is no preferred way, we simply are providing you choices. Please choose whichever way is the most comfortable for you.
Liz Meeker, MCCC Treasurer