May 26 – MCCC Update, YouTube Analytics, Prayer Requests, Zoom Opps

MCCC Church Family,
I want to thank everyone who joined the Zoom Worship Party on Sunday to watch the service together! A group of about 20 of us gathered early to fellowship a bit and then I let the service roll. We were able to watch and hear the service just fine and even paused during communion to partake together. A highlight for me was to listen to Pastor Sarah preach an engaging word on a familiar scripture: 1 Corinthians 13. If you have not seen or heard the service I would encourage you to do so! Next week, we will have another Zoom party…it would be great to have you join us. The more the merrier! 🙂
Gathering Update
This morning I put an email out to our “Gathering Team” to come together to talk about what criterion/preparations we would need to have any kind of in-person engagement at MCCC. You would never know it by looking out in the world, but we are still under shelter-in-place orders, physical distancing, and urged not to gather with more than 10 people (see attached order from May 22nd). Small spaces, like our church, are particularly susceptible and church services have often been identified as a high risk activities due to the nature of the gathering. This is a particularly dangerous time for people because things are loosening and people are going out and about. Be careful, be kind, and remember the vulnerable among us. We will be thinking creatively about how to move ahead. I am eager to see everyone, but will remain patient. In the meantime, lets keep putting our love to action (support each other, local businesses, and those in need) and remember that the church is NOT a building!
YouTube Service by the numbers
More than a few have asked me lately what kind of reach we have with our YouTube service. YouTube has an “analytics” page that give you all sorts of interesting numbers about your channel. Over the last 90 days we’ve had:
- Over 2,280 views
- 61 “subscribers” (people who want to get notified when a video is published)
- 4,600+ “impressions” (times our video thumbnail pic was visible to potential viewers)
- 490+ hours of “watch time.”
- 126 “Likes” (a “thumbs-up” from the viewer)
It appears to me that we are reaching out beyond our “regular” attenders and connecting with those who may never have had an impression of our church before. If you haven’t “liked” and “subscribed” please do so and don’t hesitate to share the links with people you know who might be encouraged by being a part of our MCCC worshiping community!
Zoom Opportunities
At MCCC we have Life Study, Wednesday Prayer, and MCCC Kid’s Call (see sign-in info below)as opportunities to gather together. If you would like to gather separately for prayer or conversation (individually or small group), please be in touch with me.
- – Tuesday (tonight!) Life Study from 6:30-7:30pm Tonight we will continue listening to Rev. Dr. William Barber for our study. Join us tonight for conversation!
- – Wednesday Prayer – Afternoon at 2:00pm. We get together for a time of sharing and prayer. One of the ways we can support each other through this time. If you have prayer requests please send them to me so we can pray for them.
- – MCCC Kid’s Call on Thurs at 7:00pm. A Scavenger Hunt and a Story! Feel free to invite friends and family to join us.
Grace and Peace be with you!
Pastor Chad
Pastor Sarah
Zoom Opportunities
Tuesday Evening at 6:30pm
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 464 703 266 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link:
Password: 1111
Wednesday Prayer at 2:00pm
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 991 949 556(press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link:
Password: 1111
Thursday Evenings at 7:00pm – MCCC Kids Story Time & Check-In
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 737 154 588 (press #)
will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link:
Password: 1111