June 23 – MCCC Update, July/Aug Worship, Camp Christian, Anti-Racism, and Zoom Opps

MCCC Church Family,
I hope that everyone is well and having a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting outside, biking, watching the birds, and enjoying God’s creation. I hope you are finding ways to get out and to do so safely.
Thank you all for joining us weekly on YouTube to watch the services. It means a lot to the whole staff that we have as much participation and views as we do. We feel you with us during the week and on Sunday mornings. Please help us to distribute the paper PDF copy of the service to those who don’t have the technology. If you are aware of people who don’t have the tech to watch the services PLEASE let us know so we can help in any way we can. The service copy of last week’s worship is attached.
MCCC Update
I want to thank everyone again for all your patience as we discern how to move forward as a congregation. Our Gathering Team met on Monday evening and we will have a full report to the board this Sunday with our recommendations for both short and long-term. Please join us for the meeting or look for the update next week.
MCCC Worship in July and August
Just another reminder that in July/Aug we will be worshipping with our Hiram Christian Church neighbors. We will be offering a combo of pre-recorded video and Zoom parts. We’ll still put out a video every week on YouTube but we do hope you will join us for the live parts on Sunday mornings. It will be fun to experiment in this new format.
Camp Christian is FREE Online!
Camp Christian is fully online this summer and if you have kids/grandkids interested, this would be a GREAT year to see what it’s like. There is Junior Camp (Otter/Ribbit combined 2nd-5th graders), Chi-Rho (6th-8th graders), CYF (9th-12th grade), and Advance Conference (post-high to 29). Go to the link below to see how to access the “Virtual Camp Portal” and register. There is NO COST and we hope that as many people take advantage of it as possible! http://www.ccinoh.com/camp-christian/summer-programs.aspx
Anti-Racism Book Study
Please join us as we continue our Anti-Racism study this week. We had 17 people on the first call and I know there will be more joining us this week. We’ll meet over Zoom from 6:30-7:30pm(ish) with one more week of introduction. Next week we will being our reflections Ibram X Kendi’s book “How to be an Anti-Racist”. If you are joining the study please get the book asap! You can get it at the library, on Kindle and most online booksellers.
Zoom Opportunities
At MCCC we have Wednesday Prayer, Anti-Racism Study, and MCCC Kid’s Call (see sign-in info below)as opportunities to gather together. If you would like to gather separately for prayer or conversation (individually or small group), please be in touch with me.
– Wednesday Prayer – Afternoon at 2:00pm. We get together for a time of sharing and prayer. If you have prayer requests please send them to me so we can pray for them.
– Wednesday Anti-Racism Study – Evening 6:30-7:30pm – MCCC Kid’s Call on Thurs at 7:00pm. A Scavenger Hunt and a Story! Feel free to invite friends and family to join us.
As always, my ZOOM door is always open. Please let me know if you would like to meet for conversation, listening, or coaching. I’m glad to walk alongside you and listen during this time.
Grace and Peace be with you!
Pastor Chad
Pastor Sarah
Wednesday Prayer at 2:00pm
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 991 949 556(press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link: https://zoom.us/j/991949556
Password: 1111
Wednesday ANTI-RACISM Book Study – 6:30-7:30pm
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 836 5442 8458(press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83654428458?pwd=NVVja2tZd0pndzFuU1hWaEZZRC84dz09
Password: 1111
MCCC Kids Story Time & Check-in – Thursday Evenings, 7:00-7:20pm
1. Call +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
2. Enter Meeting ID: 737 154 588 (press #)
3. It will ask for “Participant ID or just press #. Just press #
Video Link: https://zoom.us/j/737154588
Password: 1111