Nov 24 – MCCC Update, Photos, MCCC Advent, Kits, Thanksgiving PLUNGE for KWM

Here we are two weeks into “Worship at the Windows” and we’ve gotten lots of great participation and feedback. We are still working out the “kinks” but feel like we are on the right track. I can’t tell you how nice of a boost it is to be leading worship in the church and to have you folks there…as unconventional as it is! We will also be trying to upgrade our YouTube Live feed to make that smoother. Thanks so much for your patience in that regard. Again…many thanks to all the wonderful people who have made it possible.
Due to the unique nature of our celebrations this year, it was suggested that folks could help share some holiday cheer by sharing some photos of their celebrations. Since people won’t be doing a lot of visiting, if you have pictures of your holiday decorations, Thanksgiving Table, Christmas tree, Christmas decor and would like to share them with the congregation we would hope to include them in a service at some point. Please send them to Pastor Chad or Pastor Sarah.
MCCC Advent 2020: A Weary World Rejoices
Our theme for Advent this year is “A Weary World Rejoices” and begins this Sunday. I have put the schedule below and attached the Advent Calendar. You are welcome to come for Worship at the Windows for the first 3 Sundays and the 4th Sunday it will be all ONLINE. Christmas Eve will be a candlelight service at the church windows. This year we will still have a Children’s Christmas Pageant and a Blue Christmas Service. It will be a unique year, but there are many folks contributing to make it one full of memory and meaning.
There are several other ways you can participate in Advent:
Advent Book – The church has purchased a 2020 Advent devotional written by Rev. Dr. Terri Hord Owens–the General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) called “Imagining a New World.” They are only $4 and we passed many out on Sunday after worship. If you can’t make it to worship at the windows, but would like one, please let us know.
Advent Kit – The worship team has put wonderful Advent Kits together for you and we will deliver. We will also have them after worship on Sunday for you to take. Great thought and effort has been put in to making these and we would be glad for you to participate! Please reply to Pam if you would like it brought to your home. You may email Pam at [email protected] or call or text her at 216-308-7930.
Thanksgiving Plunge for Kid’s Weekend Meals created by Bryce Pruszynski.
If you haven’t heard, Bryce Pruszynski is a senior this year and for his senior project he has created a fundraising event for Kids Weekend Meals. His idea that he has promoted and recruited for is to get a number of families to JUMP into a FRIGID LAKE on Thanksgiving morning! Thanks to the Kuchenbecker family for providing the lake and to Brandon Baynes for providing safety on the shoreline. The families that decide to do this are taking sponsors for their plunge! Yes….the Delaney family is participating and taking sponsors. 🙂 Any of the participating families would be glad to have your support to help this great cause. Thanks to Bryce, his family, and KWM for making this happen. Bryce hopes to raise $5000 with this effort!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone and God bless you as you seek to enjoy this holiday time AND stay safe doing it.
Our family will be celebrating a Zoom Thanksgiving with our extended family and hope you are finding ways to be safe.
Hope to see you at the MCCC windows this Sunday! 🙂
Peace in Christ,
9:30am Sunday Advent Worship Services experienced via…
Worship at the Windows (Join us at the church building) and YouTube Live
Online Only – YouTube Video/Zoom Watch Party
Sunday, Nov 29 Advent One – Weary of the Waiting (Isaiah 64:1-4)
Worship at the Windows and YouTube Live
Sunday, Dec 6 Advent Two – Weary of the Hostility (Isaiah 11:1-10)
Worship at the Windows and YouTube Live
Sunday, Dec 13 Advent Three – Rejoicing in God’s Comfort (Isaiah 61:1-4)
Worship at the Windows and YouTube Live
Sunday, Dec 20 Advent Four – Rejoicing in God’s Peace (Micah 5:2-5)
Children’s Pageant
ONLINE only – YouTube and Zoom Watch Party
Look for the MCCC Blue Christmas Video this week…
Thursday, Dec 24 7:00pm – MCCC Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship at the Windows